Chapter 120: The Coming of Age Ceremony

Start from the beginning

Across the coliseum sat Zoro, who had been dragged there by Sanji before the cook wondered off. His green toga was quite loose, making it easy to hide his swords. He wondered what type of comment Katsu would make when she realized he had his whole chest out and was only covered by a drape of clothing.

His smirk dropped when he looked down at the ground that Katsu would be walking out of soon. He was itching for a fight.

Just a little further away from Zoro, sat Sanji. His focus had been drawn towards the areas that was sectioned off. Specifically towards a man cloaked in gold and purple with long black hair.

Sanji didn't need to look further to know who that man was. He wanted nothing more than to kick that man's face in the dirt. However, as long as he kept his thoughts trained on Katsu, he found enough control to stay still. Those thoughts loosened when he spotted a female, also clad in purple clothing, walk out and stand beside the man. Instantly Sanji's glare dropped and hearts had formed in his eyes.

"Beautiful!" He swooned.

Finally, sitting in an area that would be considered between Robin and Zoro, was Usopp. Much like Zoro, he was able to conceal his own weapons under his yellow toga. Though, unlike Zoro, his  clothing covered more of his chest.

While his face was brave enough to fool anyone, the slight quivering of his body said otherwise. The sniper was terrified, but he was willing to be terrified so long as he helped his Nakama.

Usopp wasn't going to let Katsu down.


"We set, Franky?" Nami asked into the snail in her hand, placing a hand on her hip as she looked over the set up she had finished with.

She had been placed in the first district. Chopper had gone to the second to set up a similar broadcast area. Meanwhile Franky had gone directly towards the factory.

"We SUPER are!" Franky called back, the snail showing the grin on the cyborgs face. "The audio will be broadcasted all around the city, so even if they can't see it right away, it will draw their attention to it. Then after Robin cuts the signal, it'll go straight to me.'

"Good," Nami muttered, "Chopper, you set?"

"Ah!" Chopper called back. "Nami, once things start off we need to go around and give out the medicine. They need it to be able to get off of the drugs that have been given to them."

Nami reached down to pat the bag attached at her hip and nodded. "Got it."

"Yosh!" Franky grinned, "Let's take down those royals."


Upon the Sunny stood two figures. Both overlooking the kingdom that was set to fall soon. The samurai had wanted to go with the pirates to give them aid in saving their crew mate. However, in the end they all decided the matter would be quickly solved, and he should remain on the ship with Momonosuke. The child was currently taking a nap in the women's room. He had insisted that they had already approved him to be in there, whether or not they were present.

The samurai was still displeased with the actions of Momonosuke.

Kin'emon handed over a steaming teacup to the skeleton. From the corner of his eyes he could make out the scientists wiggling around as they attempted to escape. However, one look from him and they stopped moving.

"Thank you, Kin'emon." Brook nodded his head in appreciation.

"Your crew mate should be okay." He stated, crossing his arms over his chest. "She is a strong woman."

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