chapter 28 (END)

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"does this hurt too much?" asks Hwan frowning his brows as he applies the gel on his knuckles that are rigid and bruised because of all those punches he gave that jerk. 

before coming home they obviously they went to hospital first and its good that Hibiki's head is fine, they gave him some medicines and asked him to rest and come for checkup again tomorrow.

"its fine you worry too much" Hibiki sighs

"I am mad at you now" Hwan grit his teeth 

"I apologies that all this happened"

"don't!! you think I am mad about that? then you are wrong I am mad at you! because why didn't you tell me that it was going for all this time? why did you hide it? why you try to solve it alone? you don't trust me? you think I wont be of any help? tell me?" more than angry he looks sad to Hibiki. 

"I am sorry..." Hibiki cant see him sad like this and its not like he can't help its just he don't want him to face problems like he did of course he wont let it be like that

"I know you did all this because you don't want me to be troubled but just once try thinking standing in my will you feel if I go though some trouble and don't tell you, will you like it?" Hwan stood up and went inside to put back the first aid kit back.

this left Hibiki in his thoughts and he understood what he meant "Hwan...,I am sorry but I promise from now on I will not hide such things" Hibiki genuinely looks sad himself

Hwan got up to him and pulled him in a tight hug "I hope you don't break your promise" and he kiss his head softly "so you are not mad anymore?" asks Hibiki 

"I was, but can you tell me what happened there?" Hwan frowned his brows recalling that scene where Hibiki was under another guy that's not him and he hated it.

"um...nothing much he tried to kiss me but I dodged it and...he just touched my chest nothing else okay?" Hibiki sighs when he have to explain all this unnecessary things to him.

"let me touch you!" Hwan said it with a pout

"you don't have to ask dummy" Hibiki chuckled and flick his head softly 

Hwan comes closer and starts with a soft kiss on his forehead and then his cheeks then his lips then his neck and jawline and he keeps going further. 

"Hwan I love you" Hibiki said it suddenly 

Hwan looked up from his chest and smiled to his eyes and said "I love you more Hibiki, my Hibiki" and he crushed him in-between his arms. they both felt safe and content in each others arms.

though there may be times when everything might not go the way you want but every storm brings something in return and that's a peaceful and bright sunlight through heavens that bless the new sprouts and that's when flower blooms and spring comes. 

Authors note:- this is the final chapter of "I will be your spring" with this I will end the main story here and I am thinking of going for side stories so see you guys there and don't forget to give your love to Hibiki and Hwan.


I Will Be Your SpringTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang