chapter 20

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Hwan was silent this whole time and he don't know what to say, all he felt was grief and sorrow.
"You are an angel..." Hwan whispers and hug him tight
"What's that all of a sudden" Hibiki chuckles
"I can't take back what happened in the past but I will always keep you happy Hibiki, I promise" Hwan looked deep in his eyes
"I know"

Then they kissed each other, that kiss became deeper and deeper and Hwan took him for another round of love making session, Hibiki is getting a hang of Hwan's sex drive because this guy never rest, but he doesn't know that Hwan works hard for maintaining his body and stamina just for him, like he already have a nice body but he didn't want to loose to any other guy who might try to take him away. 

"you are mine" Hwan whispers into his ears and made him shudder, Hibiki understood that their night is still young at least for Hwan. 

the next day Hibiki woke up in-between Hwan's embrace he felt warm even without blankets, Hibiki felt like his burden was taken away from his shoulders when to told all this to Hwan, and now lying in between his lovers arms he can't think about any other worries or his past. he felt content  and that he can fight any problem in future with him beside him. "you can keep looking at me all day you know I don't mind" Hwan tease him as he opens his eyes to directly meet his eyes and greet him with a morning kiss.

"I wasn't" Hibiki seers and pushed him away in attempt to get out but it was futile because Hwan pulled him back and pinned him down. "what are you doing!?" Hibiki asks in sudden because Hwan has already taken his position in between his legs with his dick, which is hard early this morning. "are you serious?" Hibiki looked at him like no way that it going to happen again? 


Hwan kneels down with both his hands up in drawing hall due to his punishment given by Hibiki, "I told you I am sorry about this morning" Hwan lies because he totally enjoyed the morning sex. "you don't look sorry though?" Hibiki raise his eyebrows when he heard him apologies as he is sitting on sofa with a hot pack, "I am not sorry about what I did I am just sorry about the timing" Hwan mumbles on his own. which made Hibiki even more pissed then he already is because thanks to him he can't sit properly as his butt is killing him.

"you cant lay a finger on me today" Hibiki said it seriously "what!?" Hwan springs up, "and who gave you the permission to move!" 

"I am sorry..., darling! don't do this to me!!" Hwan fake his tears

"nope!" Hibiki turned his head away and went to another room,

like this Hwan and Hibiki had their very happy and peaceful morning and then Hibiki went for his part time though Hwan suggested that he should stay back and rest but Hibiki being Hibiki who don't know how to take a break. 

Hwan was really worried when he saw Hibiki going to work, its really cold today and it might even snow, Hwan hopes he will be fine at his work.

Hibiki enters the Mi-Hi shop where he have his first shift, to be honest he likes working there its just something about the interior of the shop that he likes, it gives a warm and cozy feeling the owner knows how to attract the customers, as he opens the café door which has the closed sign he saw something he wish he shouldn't have!

Leo the shop owner was sitting on a guys lap and they were kissing? "I.....I am so sorry!" Hibiki apologizes fast and closed the door and steeped out.

"will I be fired?" Hibiki eats his nails in worry

"Hibiki? come in, why are you out?" Leo looks flustered and opens the door for him, Hibiki walks in quietly not sure what to say or whom to expect inside, but then he saw a familiar face it seems like he has seen him some where before but where?

"is he your employee?" the guy in his black jack sitting inside asks in his husky tone

"yah....this is Hibiki and Hibiki this is hyuk" Leo said it with a sigh. are they dating or something? or was that just a you know...Hibiki wonders looking at him, he sure looks like someone i know.

"geez...look at the time is already time to open the shop okay then you should keep going now.." Leo eyes hyuk to leave without any other word from his mouth, but that guy didn't seem even a little bit of shy as he gets up from his seat and got close to Leo and kissed him in the lips showing that that guy is 'his' and don't even think of anything about Leo, like Hibiki would ever and even if he did he don't think a perverted guy back home will let him off the hook.

"you know what just take me as one of your customers today" he smiled and took a seat for himself from where he can keep an eye on the whole store.

"the shop is open right I would like to place my order" he crossed his legs and calls Hibiki

Leo was ready to fight but stopped when saw a few customers who are already waiting out side the shop, "don't try to bother my employee!" he gave a side eye to hyuk and went inside to prepare to open the shop.  

Hibiki is getting what's going on there may be that guy doesn't like him near Leo, but how will he say it to him that he could never think of such things and above all he already have someone.

Hibiki thought that guy will give him a hard time but unlike that he seems happy and his eyes are only on Leo. even a lot of girls were eyeing both of them and Hibiki wonders why is he even here? and just like that his hectic work came to an end. at the back Hibiki was changing his clothes when he heard a foot steps that made  him looks even with out trying only to find hyuk. what's his problem? Hibiki is ready to through a punch or two if he turned out to be a bad guy or so.

"do you think Leo is cute?" he asks crossing his arms sanding a little slant by the door 

"what?!" Hibiki chuckles

"listen he is mine" he said it proudly and Hibiki almost chuckled when he remembered someone saying the exact same thing last night

"please don't worry about that and....I.....already have someone" Hibiki's cheek turned little pink while saying it but it seems he looks assured now

"you should see your face..." hyuk stick out his tongue and walks out, that really made Hibiki look at his face once and he himself didn't know he could make that face?

I am really falling for him hard huh? 

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