chapter 27

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"tell me something honestly, what's going on between you and Hwan?" asks that girl

"its non of your business" Hibiki said it without any expression on his face,

"get him!" she sneered.

Hwan was busy in his projects that he didn't get the chance to meet Hibiki for lunch so he text him an apology which is unread for hours, "where is he?" Hwan went back to his class just in case if he is there but he isn't. did he went home? then why he is not reading my text, Hwan tried calling him which was unanswered just like his text.

"um...excuse me..." a girl with specs came up to him, what now? Hwan is not a slightest interested in chatting with a girl when his lover is missing.

"I am sorry I am busy" Hwan didn't even bothered looking at her.

"no, its about your friend!" she blunt out which made him look at her, what about Hibiki?

"what is it?"

"the thing is I saw him with Karin, there were lots of guys with her from outside. and she is not a good person and also she is obsessed over you...I don't think...."

"where did they took him!" he asks

"they were outside the college few hours ago.."

"do you have her number!?"

"ah! yes yes" she pulled out her phone

"thank you"

he bowed and went out running for his lover, she smiled at him "just go and get him.."

Hibiki please be safe, if anything bad happens to you what am I gonna do?

Hwan can't even think positively at moment like this, first thing first he gives a call at that number and he thought it will get unanswered but she picked it.


"where' Hwan!"

~oh? how did you get my number?

"that's not important, I just heard you took my 'friend' with you? give him back"

~that's bold coming from you! you don't know your position in which you are right now do you?

shit! Hwan! down.

"its me you want don't you? why didn't you said earlier I was looking for some fun myself you know?" Hwan felt like puking but for Hibiki he can do anything

~I see...then come to this address by 7 and I might as well let your 'friend' go untouched

"you better not touch even a string of his hair"

~that depends on your performance...haha you know what I am talking about right? okay bye now

and she cut the phone, "that bitch" Hwan never felt so helpless in his life till now.

shit but why I never came to know about her? she never reached out to me,...wait don't tell me could it be Hibiki have a idea that all this were happening? they were harassing him before as well? he never shares about his days to me its always me who keeps talking that he didn't get a chance to talk about his worries is that so? oh...Hibiki I miss him.

"no! no! this is not the time to just sit back and wait for them to return him back eventually.." Hwan kick the rock that was under his foot. I could hear music on the background could it be a bar or club? that lights up a little hope inside him and he makes his way toward the nearest club from their college, because as much as he knew Hibiki who is a black belt is judo, there is no way he is going to just sit around and do nothing when they were trying to take him, unless they made him unconscious. shit! they did it then!

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