chapter 22

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*ding *dong 

it was early morning when some one suddenly started ringing the door bell of Hibiki's apartment, that made both of them got up it was Hwan who went out to answer it. he opened and saw a man and a women on his door steps. 

"who are you?" the man asks angrily

"huh? I should be the one asking that" Hwan frown his brows and says

"where is Hibiki" the man asks crossing his arms

"wait...don't tell me...." only then Hwan realize that they seems like his parents, I am fucked up early in the morning!

"why are you guys suddenly here?" asks Hibiki sitting in front of his parents as Hwan prepares the tea in the kitchen

"we just wanted to surprise you that's all and your dad wont sit quietly after your last call, you know him well.." her mom sighs as his father sits there digging hole on Hwan's head 

"but how did you managed to get the flight tickets wasn't it a rush because of holidays?" asks Hibiki

"it was but your dad made some calls here and there because he wanted to see you so bad" his mom says 

"he wanted to see me or...." Hibiki looks at Hwan who brings the tray with some tea and snacks quietly like a new married wife that he is

"what's your name again?" his dad states

"its Hwan" 

"hm..and what are your plans for the future because we might take Hibiki back once his college ends" he said it firmly

"dad I haven't decided on that one yet!" says Hibiki

"you keep quite!" his dad scolded 

" be honest I don't have any plans till now, but I do want to stay by Hibiki's side even if it means I have to travel with him to japan, I just like him too much. I will always keep him happy" Hwan says it with a smile which made Hibiki blush slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by his mom

"why should I believe your words? your just a mere college student who have nothing right now and you don't even have plans for your future?"

"dad! I am like that too I don't have plans either. but we will have one soon once we at least reach our second year"

"this is not going to work out I am..." his dad got stopped by her mom "Hwan can I have a chat with you?" she said getting up from her seat and making her way to the balcony

"Hwan..., give up on him" she said it without looking back at him 

he was quite for sometime but then he spoke "I am sorry mam but I am a selfish guy so, I don't think I can do that"

"even if that means hurting others?" 

"cant I choose both?" asks Hwan very innocently

Hibiki's mom got the answer she wanted and turned around with a smile, "please keep him happy okay?" she asks 

"certainly" Hwan smiles knowing that her mom accepts them with an open arm. but as for his dad it might take some time and Hwan totally understand where he is coming from as his father it is duty to worry about is sons future. and Hwan will make sure to give him a solid answer in future when he became more sure of him that he can support Hibiki financially as well;

after that Hwan made them a delicious break fast to earn even a little bit of acknowledgment from his father, who do seem pleased after tasting food cooked by Hwan, "oh my! you even know how to make rolled omelets" her mom says taking a bite of it, he learned it specially for Hibiki for he didn't know that this little thing will help him out like this.

"how is it?" Hibiki asks his dad knowing how much he likes eating home cooked foods

"its not that bad" his dad still acts a little rude to Hwan 

"then don't eat it nobody asked you to stay and eat it anyways!" her mom snatched his omelet from his plate, they always fight like kids and it was nothing new to Hibiki so he didn't even bothered to take a single glance at them where as Hwan looks worried. "please don't say it like that mom" says Hwan

"what!? you already started to call her mom?!" his dad wide his eyes

"so what you got a problem?" her mom gave a side glans

"and why are you so supportive of him? he is just a foolish teen-ager!" his dad says

"ah..! please don't fight..." Hwan started to worry what will happen if they keep on going like this, he wanted to jump in between and do something but was pulled back by his lover.

"let them be, they will settle on their own.." Hibiki says unbothered as he enjoys is breakfast in his seat

"are you sure they will be okay?"


after like one and half hour they finally settled down with one decision that they will do what they think will be good in their own perspective. "mom will you stay the night?" asks Hibiki who were having a chat together as his father was preparing for the bath and Hwan preparing his hot tub. 

"no dear....we will be leaving for your aunts home she invited us for the dinner, and tomorrow we have booked a return flight as well."

"oh...then, um...what do you think of Hwan he is a good person from heart" 

"hm...I cant really say for sure but I know one thing that he is a keeper so make sure you never hurt him okay?" 

"I will never" Hibiki promised his mom and himself, if Hwan is taking care of his happiness and well being he will do the same for him and even more. 

as his parents said good bye because they have to catch a train to reach their aunts home they left for once after giving the kids the Christmas gift which was nothing more but sum of money, Hwan refused it but his mom made him have it saying or she will take Hibiki away for the semester holiday. which Hwan certainly don't want!

short after that Hibiki also went for his work, Hwan made a fuss over it though since its Christmas but Hibiki knows that because it is Christmas there will be more customers then regular days and knowing that the café is not closed how can he leave Leo on a day like this, so he went and Hwan sulk over it.

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