side story 3

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Mark is not the type to judge a person on their first meet. thus he actually didn't gave her much thought except her coming in his dreams since last time they met, yah nothing else. all kinds of dreams, "mark what is wrong with you? having 'those' kind of dreams!" mark cant help but pulling his own hair. its just she is so small and adorable! how come she didn't have a boyfriend!? was she lying? that cant be ugh! 

at least mark knows one thing that they will not meet anytime soon since mark is not the type of person to go out and stuff until or unless 'someone' force him to go somewhere, yes literally force him and who is that someone? well who else hyuk! beats me how they even became friends.  

Mark wakes up in morning with a text from hyuk asking for another drink out, usually mark look up for these thing but this time he is somewhat scared, what if she comes too? how will I face her? since how long have I been single and all this is happening because I don't interact with girls much on a daily basis and Mark is quite the simple guy in this whole plant.

Mark is hesitant to ask if she is joining them or so it will give an impression that he is expecting her or something. "should I refuse?" 

ding~ a new text came saying "don't even think of ditching it! its Leo's birthday and I want to celebrate it with people he is close to, don't worry the party will end fast its weekend anyways soo" 

"! this sucks" mark being an homey, it cant be helped to make a simple excuse for ditching a gathering where you definitely don't want to be.

but still here mark stands in front of "MI-HI", as much as he want to see her and return that scarf he didn't want to see her at the same time. just then a hand smack on his back softly "what you dreaming about at the entrance?" its hyuk 

"oh! that almost scared me" Mark lets out his breath he don't know he was holding, "really? you getting scared? that's new and it doesn't seem like that though" well that's how it has always been with Mark who is quite the straight face and nothing can scare him. 

Mark took a deep breath and went inside with his friend. and surprise she is not here, Mark is revealed but some part of him is disappointed to be honest. with that he takes his usual seat at a window corner since there is still time before shop closes. Mark saw Hibiki coming with his 'welcome dear customer smile' and place a cup of black coffee. "please let me know if you need something else" for which he just nod his head. Hibiki went back to his work and Mark pull out his phone putting on headphones and shutting off the noise around him, he usually listen to Japanese pop and he is also a fan of 'Imase'. the very first song in his list is his 'night dancer'. whenever he puts on his earplugs he is in different world. all alone and happy. where nobody judges you, you don't have to prove anything to anyone. 

when you are enjoying, time does pass fast and Mark is no exception here and before he realizes it's already time for closing the shop, Hibiki was helping in wrapping up so does hyuk it seems he doesn't want to waste even a breath. and here mark want to go home as soon as possible. just when he thought only if she won't come today though he will be disappointed yet and there she walks in through that door. as adorable as always.  

"evening gentlemen's" she grins and walks towards nobody else but mark. "hey Hana" Hibiki sure looks happy though, "you are early?" asks Leo through the counter cleaning the shelf. "oh today is my day off" she leave a big sigh, must be tough keeping up with studies as well as having a part time job. "ha ha good for you, then you should leave early and have some rest" says Leo with all his concerns, Hyuk is wondering has they always been this close? or did he missed something? "she is not a child, don't sweat over her" hyuk rolled his eyes on her, okay somethings never changes. "don't act like a dick hyuk" Leo glared back.

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