chapter 5

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[a little view of world from Hwan's side]

Another change in my tutoring schedule,. Sigh... what do they take me for? I will stop teaching her once I get this month pay.

Hwan lies down in his bed staring at the cealing thinking nothing....his college starts tomorrow. He have been staying alone since his high school in this same apartment it has been almost three years and he got used to it and it's boring.

Hwan was not able to make a single good friend in his high school specially after that incident he loose intrest in them anyways.

"Tomorrow will be different, yeah! It will be!" With this positive attitude he gets off his bed to make something for himself.
While cooking he heard noises from the empty apartment next to his.

Seems like someone is moving in... should I pay them a visit if so? Nah... nevermind.

With that he went back on his cooking which he enjoys the most.

The very next day as soon as he stepped inside his class, everyone got their eyes on him no matter it's a girl or a boy they will take a second glance at him. Well Hwan is used to it and not that he cares.

"It's Hwan...!" Someone called my name
I turned around to find a girl I don't know about.
"You don't remember me we were in the same grade in High school?"
High school? Yah sure whatever...
She is just trying to look cool huh? Hwan didn't even care to reply as he just took an empty seat he got.

She took a seat beside him too and keep babbling about God knows what! But just then the classroom door open again.

A guy walk in and he grabbed quite the attention when he first entered the class, he looks Japanese but quite skinny as his clothes seems to be really loose around his body.

Soon after that our classes started which kept her quite for sometime but then again when classess were free...
"Hwan! Come on we know eachother from our high school don't act as strange" an old classmate of mine? as she said, what's her name again? Anyways I couldn't care any less, when the heck this class will start again

"You remember how we have our farewell and you...." She keeps talking sitting near me, just please...oh!?

He was looking at me just now but look at him acting as if he didn't with his phone which is not even open, heh cute.
For a bliss of a second i really got distracted from her useless talking but then again I heard her voice ringing in my head. Hmm should I just tell her that I am gay so she should stop trying her chance with me?

Finally this hectic day was coming to an end and I was walking back home from my part time tuting job I just finished and then I saw him again, at the bridge. He was admiring the city it seems. I have this urge to go and talk to him or tease him because I caught him staring at me.

"Hey..." I called him to get his attention
"Oh! You...we are in the same department right" his voice has this smoothness in it which was totally opposite to that girl, whatever her name was
"Hm. I am Kim Hwan" I extend my hand and he took it with a little hesitation huh?
"Sito Hibiki" Hibiki a cute name for a cute face...hehe adorable, may be I will keep the teasing for another time...

He said he live nearby and what a small world, so he was the guy who moved in yesterday. This keeps getting intresting.
Hi-bi-ki...a Japanese name but his Korean is as good as any local here...may be his other parent is Korean may be his mom?

Next morning he was greeted by Hibiki the first thing after he walks out of his apartment.
Guess today won't be that bad afterall...
But then again when they entered the class some girls just rushed over him to ask him whatsoever.
Somehow he managed and got back to Hibiki's side
"Popular one huh?" He says
"I hate it"

They didn't even want to see what's more in me except my face...I am not even into girls to being with.

"Well can't be helped when you are handsome and all.." he says
"You think?"
"What!? Come on you also know that you are handsome don't be modest!"
"What's so good about it anyways"
I hope you don't like just my face...Hibiki

The last never ending period was finally over, Hwan packs up his things and gets to Hibiki and pulls him out.
Being around Hibiki makes him feel at ease somehow. He didn't indifference him just for his looks he never did it once ever since the first time they met.

Once I put my hands over his shoulder I realised how slender and sharp they feel, and to be frank was he always this short? I don't think I should probably say it though.

"Hwan...can we have a moment?" Seriously? It was her again and what was her name...? know what I don't really care.
"Um...I am throwing a birthday party and since we all are new faces would you like to come? it's on Saturday" she said
"I am sorry I am busy that day" please just leave...I don't want to act rude infront of this cutie.
"Oh! Then...Friday?" Are they stupid or what? I should just tell them
"Sorry he doesn't want to come and I am busy as well so I can't come too but thanks for asking! okay bye" said Hibiki and then we walked away.

So cool. I am keeping him.

If you guys like this chapter tell me I will make sure to write more from point of view of Hwan too. 😉👌💅

And tell me what you think 🤔 about Hwan and Hibiki in one word! In the comments 🤪 😼

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