chapter 15

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"that means we will get a lot of time to spend together..." Hwan squeals when he get to know that his second work place will be closed for this winter.
"I don't think so because I am thinking of finding another work" Hibiki is again sitting in front of his laptop searching for another part time.
"Why do you want to work so bad huh?" Hwan don't get it how come he don't want to stay free at least on Christmas.
"I told you I want to stable myself financially that's all"
"Fine! You know what let's work together" Hwan came up with another stupid idea to stay around Hibiki
"Huh? Why? Now why do I feel like you you are working just so you could avoid me?" Hwan looks sad faking his crocodile tears which Hibiki totally ignored.

"This one looks new..." Hibiki saw an add for night shift work in a bar that just opened a few days ago.
"Hm? A night bar? Nope!" Hwan didn't even hesitate before clicking the cross mark on the screen
"Seriously?" Hibiki rolled his eyes seeing him all act like a possesive partner
"What? You really want to work in such places?" Hwan frowned his brows
"I know what I am doing.." Hibiki only say the facts to which Hwan gave a bombastic side eyes
"I will pull them out" says Hibiki
"What my eyes?"
"No your balls"

In the end Hibiki didn't decided on any  work since judge Kim won't leave his side, he rejected each and every single job that come onto his laptop screen. And Hibiki knows that he is doing it on purpose just so they can be together most of the time.
"Hibiki can you go and check if we still have some cream buns?" Leo brings him back to present "ah, yes" he went inside to check but unfortunately there's non left since it's almost time for closing the shop.

"What do I do, I have searched a lot of places but non of them have left in there"
Says an old man walking with the help of his stick, "sir can you wait sometime? I can make them for you" says Leo
"Will you?" The man looked happy

Leo drag Hibiki back to the cooking area with him and give him some money, "we usually put our own made wipped cream but we are out of it, Can you go and buy it" says Leo
"Okay.." Hibiki dashes out from back door to buy some wipped cream so this old man won't go empty handed from our shop.

Hibiki sprints fast on his two legs after buying what he came for but while running back he didn't realised there's a black car parked infront of his shop and someone has is keeping his eyes on him.

"Thank you boys it really helped" the old man happily paid the bill and even tipped us.
Then Hibiki walked out of the shop as it's almost the time of closing, as he stepped out a yellow R1M parked in the front of his shop, for a second Hibiki thought he is Hwan but not anymore when he realised he's seems quite build up compared to Hwan. 

Hwan is more on a skinny side since he have quite low body fat percentage. Not that I mind.

Hibiki was busy thinking about his lovers body shape that he didn't realised that black car stopping on side lane in front of him.

"Hibiki.." until the owner of that car calls him. Hibiki looked out for the source of this voice to find someone really unexpected.
"Kenji?" Hibiki didn't recognised him at all because he looks so different.
"Been so long huh?" Kenji chuckles walking towards him
"What are you doing in Korea?" asks Hibiki
"Ofcourse I came to see you! Now come on give me a hug" then Kenji embraced him into a tight hug
"It seems you are doing fine eh?" Hibiki chuckles seeing his old friend who has gained some muscle and he look more like a human now.
"Why don't we go somewhere and catch up on eachother" suggest Kenji.

Then Kenji drives him to a nearest cafe and they ordered their drinks, "you are in college as you said, then what's your plan after that?" Kenji asks
"I don't have much planned as for now" Hibiki has not planned anything for his future and there's Hwan too.
"And what about you what you are doing?" Asks Hibiki curiously
"Ah! The thing is I became the CEO of one of my dad's companies in US and I was thinking would you like to come and work with me?" Kenji asks in uncertainty
"Why are you doing this..." Hibiki asks
"You know why, after all the things you have gone through because of me that's the least I could do for you" kenji looked down, they both know the things they have gone through in past.

"I don't think like that Kenji, I did what I felt right and I am least worried about that" Hibiki smiles faintly, though his past don't bother him that much but he still have to tell this to Hwan.
"Then...are you seeing someone right now?" Kenji asks nervously
"Ah...I am.." Hibiki smiled as his cheeks turned slightly pink
"I see, how is that person?" Kenji was hurt but he's more happy to see him smile, after all that's what matters the most in love. As long as your love is happy.
"He? he's kinda stupid but caring, he treats me nicely and can be cute sometimes..." Hibiki chuckles thinking about his chaotic lover.
"And does he know about that?"
Kenji felt like he might know him better then that guy since they have lived and fought that struggle together so may be..

"I will tell him some.." Hibiki's phone started to rang and even before looking at the dial he know who it can be.
"It's him isn't he?" Kenji tease him
"Yah...let me take this one.."

Hibiki went out to take his call because he can't guarantee that he won't say something unnecessary.

~where are you!!

"I will be little late, I met an old friend so it might take some time" Hibiki looks at him through the glass panel, he was sipping his essperso.

~old friend? A guy? Why don't you bring them home then?

"I don't think I should..." Hibiki somehow can't imagine those two seeing eachother, it will be awkward since Kenji and Hibiki weren't that close or do they?

~why? Are you embarrassed to show me to them?

"Don't be stupid! It's not like that it's just it will be quite awkward...and he knows about you" Hibiki scratches his head

~you both must be 'close' for you to share your love life with him right? bring him over so I could see him person.

"You are just being jealous over there aren't you!"?

~you know I am, what can I do when my boyfriend is spending our precious time with someone else!

"Are you sure..?" Hibiki asks just to make sure because he is still have a feeling this won't be such a good idea

~yep! Tell him to come.

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