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Zoro let them talk as he walked over to one corner. Trying to peak outside before using his free hand to try and punch his way out.

"Gross." She mumbled towards the teen patting his stomach. "Woah woah woah! What are you doing? Stop that." Nami spoke up.

"Why? I'm trying to find a way out of here." Zoro spoke.

"What we need is a plan." Nami huffed.

"I don't need a plan. What I will do is beat the hell out of every marine I see." Zoro glanced at them.

Venus listened to them go back and forth. "Great." She sighed. "So we're trapped here until we find a way out."

"Do you have any ideas then?" Nami asked a bit irritated.

"Maybe I do." Venus mumbled.

"We'll find a way." Zoro intervened between the two.

Luffy raised his hands. "Everyone. Relax. We're fine." He spoke as he seemed unfazed.

"We are not fine Luffy." Nami spoke as she walked closer. "The marines have taken us and there's a slim chance they will throw us in jail. Maybe even go as far as executing us." She continued. A bit stressed by how relaxed he was.

"They are not Marines." Luffy spoke.

"What?" Venus asked as she turned to him. "Then who are they?" She asked.

"Before I was knocked out I caught a glimpse of a Jolly Roger. We've been captured by pirates." Luffy explained excitedly.

Nami let out a breathy laugh of disbelief. "Oh that's much better news."

"No. He's right." Zoro spoke. "Marines have training. Pirates will be easier to kill."

Venus listened as she reached up out of habit to play with her necklace before remembering they had taken it away from her.

"You know, Shanks used to tell me that not every situation can be solved with violence." Luffy chimed in.

"Who the hell is shanks?" Zoro asked.

Luffy didn't answer the question as he simply smiled. "We don't have to fight them." He spoke calmly.

"And what exactly do you plan on doing Liffy?" Venus asked. "Because I don't feel like sitting around and waiting for them to hand our stuff back." She informed.

"I will talk with them. Pirate to pirate." Luffy grinned.

"You barely register as a pirate." Nami spoke as she sighed.

"What are you even saying? Yes I am." Luffy spoke.

"No, you're not. You're just a stretchy guy in a tattered hat."

Luffy listened to her. "I'm a different kind of pirate."

"Pirates are pirates. There is and always will be one kind of pirate."

"That's not true. He's kind of right." Venus spoke up. "Not all of them are the way the bad ones made the reputation to be."

"Face one and come back to me." Nami spoke.

Venus listened as she walked forward a bit. Being stopped by arms around her waist holding her back from doing something reckless to the ginger.

"Calm down." Zoro whispered in her ear. "We're all just tense from the situation we are in." He spoke.

Venus listened to him as she forced herself to calm down at the moment. "I'm fine." She spoke as she composed herself. "I apologize." She added.

As she finished speaking the lid to their prison was lifted. The sound of carnival music filling the space. One of the walls being lifted as performers did their thing. Doing tricks as the audience laughed and clapped their hands. Being held against their will.

The group of four leaving their spots and stepping out. Luffy joined in on the clapping as Nami reached over and stopped him from doing so.

"No no no no no." A voice spoke up from the side before a clown came stomping out. "Stop the clapping. Everything is wrong!" He spoke up. Huffing as he began to speak again. "The spot light was totally off and you completely missed the cue to my entrance." Having them move the spotlight to him. "And where was the dancing lion?" He asked as he got close to the guy dressed as one.

Luffy seemed to recognize him as he stepped forward a bit. "I know you. Your wanted poster was in Shells Town. That clown guy. What was your name again? Binky, right?" He asked.

The clown glanced over at him as he looked a bit offended that a little nobody like him didn't know who he was. "The name is Buggy." Buggy spoke. Leaving the man dressed as a lion alone for now. Walking over to the group after their 'Captain' had called him such a name.

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