I Kissed A Girl 3x07

Start from the beginning

Blake steps forward, defending Kurt, "The glue that keeps this school together when he gets
elected president."

Kurt gives her a grateful nod as JBI looks past them, gasping at the sight of Brittany, "Oh, my God, it's Brittany. Madam President?"

Blake sighs as she watches the boy chase after Brittany. She looks at Kurt and shakes her head, "Don't worry about it, okay? We still have the rest of the day to change the minds of the voters."

"What's the point?" He shrugs, "I'm gonna lose unless I pull a JFK."

Blake's eyebrows shoot up into her hairline, "You know, I'm usually okay with using violence, but I don't know if I'm down to shoot Brittany."

Kurt gives her an odd look, "What are you talking about?" He says in a hushed whisper, "I'm not gonna shoot Brittany. When Kennedy ran against Nixon in 1960, he had all his Mob buddies in Chicago stuff the ballot boxes so that he would win Illinois." He explains, "It won him the presidency."

Blake furrows her eyebrows, "So you want to cheat?"

"It's the only way. I have Kennedy's impeccable hairline." Kurt justifies.

"That's true." Blake agrees.

"Why can't I have his ends- justify-the-means mentality? If I lose, and my resume remains blank, I'm not gonna get into NYADA. And I can't accept that."

"While I usually don't condone cheating, I'm willing to help if need be." Blake tells him.

Kurt squeezes her arm gratefully, "I'm gonna fill Rachel in on the plan in glee." He tells her, "If anyone can help us, it'll be her."

Blake smiles, "Okay, let me know what she says."

"I will."

"I'll see you at lunch." Blake waves as she walks away from her friend. Who would've thought that she would see a political scandal happen right in front of her? Senior year is wild.

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     Blake sits next to Santana and Brittany in the New Directions choir room as Finn writes "Lady Music Week" on the whiteboard. Blake tilts her head but nonetheless grins at her boyfriend. She had learned from Santana recently that he managed to get her out of being suspended. That's definitely a step in the right direction in Blake's eyes.

"Can someone tell us what's going on, please?" Mercedes asks.

Finn turns around and begins to address the rest of the group, "This week, the Trouble Tones and New Directions will both be
singing music created by ladies and for ladies." He explains.

"Oh hell no." Santana shakes her head.

Finn continues, "Next week, all of us will be going to Sectionals, and one of us is probably gonna win. But, Santana, we're worried about you."

"Worry about yourself, fetus face." Santana quips back.

"Glee's about learning how to accept yourself for who you are, no matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about."

Blake watches as Finn addresses Santana, but she can't help but notice his eyes flicker towards her as he speaks. Finn seems almost in his natural element up there. Blake wonders if he's ever considered becoming a teacher?

"So, wait, I don't even get a say in this?" Santana crosses her arms, "Not cool."

Blake puts a reassuring hand on her thigh, squeezing it for reassurance. Finn gestures at everyone in the room, "Everybody in this room knows about you and Brittany. And we don't judge you for it. We celebrate it because it's who you are." He says as Blake sends him a proud smile. She knew he said that he had a plan, but she didn't think it would be this meaningful. "Look, I know not everybody
outside of this room is as accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know in this rotten, stinking mean world that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever
you want to be. That's it.That's what we're doing here." He looks over to his step brother and his boyfriend, "Blaine? Kurt?"

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