three. your point of view

Start from the beginning

"Let's check out the result of the battle. Fight judges, card open. Three, two, one." Daniel spoke to the three judges.

Anticipation hit like a tsunami as Jin heard Daniel speak, her eyes briefly closing before she turned her head and looked over at the judges.

With a score of 2 to 1, she had won.

Loud cheers emerged from the other members of D-COY as Jin gave Tatter a polite bow before going up to her and extending her hand out for a friendly handshake.

Tatter smiled and accepted the gesture. "You were so good. Congratulations." Tatter told Jin as they shook hands.

"Thank you. You were too. Thank you." Jin replied softly before the girls went their separate ways, the members of BEBE comforting Tatter after her loss.

"She won, she won, she won." Yeong was chanting whilst her and Gigi were dancing around out of their seats, R.2 enthusiastically dancing in her seat while Soul clapped her hands proudly.

"That's our leader!" Gigi shouted as she slapped her hand against Jin's back once she had returned, Jin exclaiming slightly before shoving Gigi in a playful manner.

"First win!" R.2 cheered.

"That battle was hot, honestly." Soul remarked casually with a few nods of her head.

"Exactly!" Gigi agreed.

"Relax." Jin said with a playful shake of her head.

After hearing the comments from the judges, mostly praise given to both competitors from the 1-on-1, Jin placed a 'lose' chip on BEBE's scoreboard.

Whilst doing so, she couldn't and did not resist the urge to glance at their leader again, noticing that Bada's eyes were already on her.

Jin was quick to give another bow of politeness before scurrying her way back to her crew, Bada's gaze remaining fixed on her a few seconds longer before she looked at her own crewmates. "Shoot me, shoot me, shoot me." Jin mumbled.

"You know, she was low-key eyeing you during the battle." Gigi told her.

"Who?" Jin asked as she sat back down.

"Bada." Gigi answered.

"Stop lying." Jin immediately denied Gigi's claim.

"Wha-- I'm not! She was straight up checking you out." Gigi exclaimed.

"She was looking at me because I was battling against her crewmate, you delusional zest fest." Jin retorted.

"She was doing the up-and-down look thingy when you were dancing! And she did it when you walked back over here too!" Gigi claimed. "Back me up here." She told her fellow crewmates.

"I mean, I wasn't even looking at Bada." R.2 said honestly.

"Neither was I." Yeong said whilst Soul held her hands up in surrender and shook her head.

"You all suck." Gigi scoffed.

"Stop playing with me, Gigi. Please." Jin said as she leaned her elbows against her knees.

A few more intense (and drama-filled) battles took place before the dancers were given a short break. The crews spent their time chatting amongst themselves, drinking their water, and warming up.

"Does this place have a bathroom?" Jin asked her crewmates.

"I'm sure it does somewhere. Go look." Soul replied.

Jin nodded and got up from her seat, approaching one of the staircases and walking up them to go search for the bathroom.

It didn't take her too long to find it and once she did, she entered it and handled her business.

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