Chapter Twenty

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Samuel's eyes slowly crept open. His head uncomfortably was rolled back on his matted pillow, staring up into the bright blue sky. Fluffy white clouds slowly floated through the sky, each in a unique shape. There was a slight cool breeze sailing through the dead street, pushing rubbish around from last nights celebration.

Tiredly, Samuel pulled his body up from the cold harsh pavement, and sat up from his makeshift bed. The street was littered with broken glass from discarded bottles of booze. Residents of the community sickly moved around the barren street, holding their heads in pain from a long night of drinking.

Reaching to the side of his body, Samuel carefully picked up the mug which Tahlia gifted him. With a large smile on his face he examined it closely, fondly reminding him of last night. He thought that finally he had found his luck, something he wasn't accustomed to.

Placing the mug into the bottom of his bag, Samuel stood to his feet, fully stretching out his body. Wrapping a coat around his body, he decided to take a short stroll. Shoving his cold hands deep into his warm pockets, he ventured the street.

The brothel was dead from customers. Blacked out older men were sprawled out across the entrance. Samuel made eye contact with Brooklyn as she smoked a cigarette. Her appearance seemed tired and frail, most likely from a busy nights work. Disappointingly Samuel gazed away, focusing on the path ahead.

Ahead Tahlia say quietly on her bed spread, drinking from her mug and enjoying a cup of crap sachet coffee. Samuel stood still for a moment, lustfully staring at her with a subtle but loving toothless grin. "We should make this official." He whispered to himself, practicing how he would ask her. Shaking his head cringing at himself, he stepped towards her.

Tahlia's eyes looked up at his. A smile ran across her face as she quickly put her mug down. Standing to her feet she wiped dust off from her clothes. "How are you feeling?" Tahlia asked.

"I don't get hangovers. I just feel a little groggy." Samuel responded locking his eyes onto hers.

They both fall silent, staring into each others eyes. In unison they both speak, "There's something I need to tell you." Samuel excitedly smiled, hoping Tahlia was about to ask the same thing. "You go first." Samuel anxiously spoke as he clenched his arms closer to his nervous body.

Tahlia cleared her throat and broke her eye contact. Staring down the street she admitted, "I don't feel like I'm in the right space for a relationship."

Samuel's heart instantly sank low into his body. Confusion grew across his mind as he remembered the night before. His mouth opened slightly, attempting to push words out, however he kept silent. His eyes never left her beautiful sight.

"Okay." He eventually responded his voice cracking. "What was that last night then?" Samuel wondered his throat becoming dry.

"It was nothing." Tahlia responded.

Hoping for any kind of response, Samuel slowly stepped backwards, Tahlia's head dropped to the ground. Realising his reality, he stepped away from her, mindlessly walking down the street.

He felt the build up of sadness slowly creep up on him. Speeding up, Samuel ran down a side alley, throwing his body against the side of the building he collapsed to the ground.

"Oh god. Not again." He sadly stuttered.

His mind felt lost and confused. Standing back up to his feet, Samuel paced up and down the alleyway. His mind foggy and broken. His heart began to ache in pain, he held his hand over his chest. His face convulsed sadly, his mouth opened wide as salvia and snot ran down his face. Collapsing once again, he tucked his weary head into his arms. No tears were forming, just sounds of pain and sadness. Crying without tears, Samuel had never felt this type of pain before.

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