Chapter Four

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It was a surprisingly bright winters day. The warmth of the sun irradiated the patchy green grass, heating the dirt. The sky was lit with an azure hue, with barely a cloud to be seen.

Brooklyn and Samuel both sat on a small picnic blanket, in the middle of Civic Park. Her head laying on his crossed legs, she peacefully sat still watching a video on her phone. The couples newly purchased build-a-bear named Jeremy sat on the corner of the blanket, looking over the two as they enjoyed the uncommon winter's sunlight.

Samuel took a sip from his earl grey boba tea, gazing out at the wide open bustling park. School friends sat in circles spreading rumours and drama, families played with their loved ones on a small brightly coloured playground, and dogs were running rampant.

As Samuel took in the lively scene, a gentle breeze rustled the branches of the nearby trees, scattering a few leaves onto their picnic blanket. He reached over and brushed the fallen leaves away, his attention returning to Brooklyn.

She was engrossed in the video on her phone, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Samuel marveled at her peaceful expression, feeling a surge of contentment. The sunlight bathed her in a warm glow, accentuating her features and making her eyes sparkle.

He gently ran his fingers through her orange glowing hair, relishing in the softness and enjoying the quiet intimacy they shared. The sound of children's laughter and the occasional bark of a dog provided a pleasant backdrop to their moment of tranquility.

As the afternoon progressed, Samuel couldn't help but feel a growing connection with Brooklyn. Each date seemed to deepen their bond, and he found himself yearning to know more about her. He wanted to unravel the layers of her personality, to understand her dreams and aspirations, and to be a part of her world.

Brooklyn finally looked up from her phone, her eyes meeting Samuel's. The smile on her face widened as she noticed his adoring gaze. She set her phone aside, and slowly sat upright, crossing her legs. They both sat close together, knee to knee. Her eyes shimmered under the sunlight, her cheeks became a shy red.

Slowly she moved in towards him. Her lips meeting with his. Her eyes sensually closed upon impact. Samuel couldn't help but feel a surge of discomfort. The warmth and tenderness of the kiss were overshadowed by his self-consciousness. His eyes remained wide open throughout the embrace, darting around to see if anyone was watching. He felt a tinge of embarrassment creeping in, as if the eyes of the parkgoers were fixed on their moment of intimacy.

Despite his unease, Samuel didn't want to ruin the moment for Brooklyn. He tried to relax his body and soften his expression, hoping to convey a sense of enjoyment. However, his internal struggle continued to distract him from fully embracing the affectionate gesture.

Meanwhile, Brooklyn was completely immersed in the moment, her eyes closed and her senses attuned to the connection they shared. She was unaware of Samuel's discomfort, assuming he was as lost in the kiss as she was. Her heart fluttered with delight as the soft touch of their lips lingered, and she deepened the kiss, unaware of Samuel's internal turmoil.

He looked over Brooklyn's shoulders, noticing a few curious glances and whispered exchanges among the nearby groups. The feeling of being observed intensified his unease, making him long for a moment of privacy. Shifting uncomfortably on the picnic blanket, his eyes still darting around nervously. He longed for the kiss to come to an end.

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