Chapter Twelve

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The sound of a crackling fire and nearby chatter suddenly awoke Samuel from his slumber. His head heavy and drowsy, Samuel rolled his eyes towards the commotion. With blurry vision Samuel manages to make out four figures sitting around a campfire. Each with a large smile on their face as they exchanged words. Attempting to move his body, Samuel ached in pain, his face was tortured from the pain.

His vision and hearing became more clear as he heard a voice, "You're awake." A man said with a light hearted voice.

Sluggishly Samuel sat up. He was laying on a makeshift bed, made up of thick blankets and pillows. Looking around his surroundings Samuel noticed he was in an abandoned warehouse.

"We saw you pass out on the side of the road." One of the younger men explained.

Gaining his full consciousness, Samuel wiped his eyes with his hands and slowly glanced up at the group, "Thank you." He said immediately dropping his head.

"What happened to you?" A woman asked with a smile on her face.

Samuel tried to remember the story. His memory was fuzzy, he could only recount small details. "I did something that I regret."

"I do that a lot don't worry." The man with the nice voice said.

Samuel chuckled as he sat up straight. "I'm Samuel. Thank you for helping me." He said, once again thanking the group.

"No, it's our pleasure Samuel. My name is Tony." The man with the soothing voice answered. He had a nice sweater on, with thick square glasses and he had a shiny bald head, with pointed ears.

"Hi, I'm Grace. I am the nanny of the group." The only woman said. Her voice was loud and annoying. She had large chubby cheeks, with long red hair. Samuel had a feeling she causes trouble.

"Hey buddy. I'm Ben. It's nice to meet you." An older man said introducing himself. He had short grey hair with thin black glasses. He had thick stubble which was neatly shaven.

"Hey man I'm Sage. A lot of people forget it, so just remember the herb." The younger man said awkwardly waving his hand. He had black hair which was handsomely combed over like a wave. He had patchy thick stubble covering his face.

Samuel smiled glancing around the group, "It's nice to meet you all." He said.

"So what's your story Samuel? How did you end up here?" Tony asked resting his head onto his hand.

Samuel intertwined his fingers. Moving closer to the fire he cleared his throat. "I'm originally from Adelaide. Came down here for a holiday with my girlfriend. Hoping that it would 'rekindle' our relationship." Samuel pauses to catch his breath and roll his eyes. "We got stuck here, trapped in our hotel, we were too scared to leave. I did some unspeakable things. Things I'm not proud of. My girlfriend left me, and I was alone." Samuel pauses once more wincing his face. "But now I'm here." Samuel exclaimed.

"I'm sorry about that. You've been through the trenches." Tony sadly apologised. "May I ask why you broke up?" Tony asked.

"We argued too much" Samuel responded.

Tony chuckles glancing at Samuel, "I can't even imagine you arguing." Tony laughs.

"I guess she just brought it out of me" Samuel responded.

Tony pauses and looks Samuel directly into his eyes, "Samuel, let me tell you something. You dodged a bullet." Tony smirked.

Grace loudly laughed along with Tony. Samuel glanced over at her with wide frightened eyes.

"What did you do before Sammy?" Ben asked intrigued.

Samuel closed his eyes and takes in a deep exhausted breath. His heart grew heavy as his shaken voice spoke, "I lived a useless life."

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