Chapter Fourteen

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Sage took the first cautious steps toward the patchy fence that marked the entrance to the mysterious community. As they drew nearer, the shoddy construction of the fence became painfully evident, casting doubt on the legitimacy of this place in the minds of Tony and Samuel, who followed behind him with skepticism etched on their faces.

Amidst their approaching footsteps, the growing chatter from within the community intensified, creating an unsettling ambiance. Suddenly, the aged gates creaked open, emitting a harsh, rusty screech that sent shivers down their spines, contorting their expressions in discomfort. They
expected a welcoming committee to greet them, however no one came near them. Cautiously they entered with penetrating and uneasy glances.

Deeper they ventured into this forsaken district, each step weighed down by the disheartening atmosphere, which enveloped them like a thick fog. Before they could change their minds and turn back around the gates shut firmly behind them, they couldn't help but feel the unfriendly stares piercing their backs. The residents of this desolate place, clad in tattered rags and bearing the indelible marks of enduring hardship, paid them no heed. The streets, more cluttered than the world beyond, were strewn with refuse that danced through the air like forsaken spirits.

Barrel fires lined the desolate streets, around which shivering souls huddled desperately for warmth, their vacant eyes bearing witness to the harshness of life in this place. It seemed as though life itself had been mercilessly drained from their weary frames. Cardboard boxes and makeshift tents served as pitiful beds for those with nowhere else to rest, adding to the haunting tableau before them.

"I don't like the look of this," Tony whispered, his voice barely louder than a breath.

"Give it a chance," Sage replied, his tone determined but tinged with unease.

As they continued, passing a dimly lit alleyway, the sudden eruption of a scuffle jolted their senses. They turned their heads, curiosity mixed with trepidation. In the narrow alley, two men brutally assaulted a defenseless child, throwing him to the ground with savage force. His anguished cries echoed through the bleak street as they mercilessly kicked him in the stomach. A profound sense of guilt washed over them, causing them to lower their heads and continue walking slowly, unable to intervene in the harsh reality unfolding before them.

Lonely sitting on a lawn chair on the side of the street, sat a middle-aged woman. Her hair was a tangled mess, with greasy thick curls wrapping around her head. She was wearing a torn grey poncho which was made from a raggedy fluffy blanket. Her eyes stared into the abyss, lost in her own mind and darkness. She clutched a bottle of expensive red wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other, the smoke curling lazily around her weathered face. Taking a large chug from the bottle, revealed her hand resting on her protruding baby bump. Samuel gasped in discomfort as they walked past her.

As the wind picked up the pungent aroma of marijuana mixed with the acrid scent of alcohol clung to the air. In the distance, they spotted a group of disheveled teenagers huddled around a makeshift bonfire. Their laughter had a hollow ring to it as they passed around a bottle of what looked like homemade moonshine. Their eyes locked onto the newcomers for a fleeting moment, filled with a mix of curiosity and indifference, before returning to their temporary escape from reality.

Sage, Tony, and Samuel couldn't help but notice the absence of children playing or the usual signs of life that thrived in communities. Instead, the streets seemed like a desolate wasteland, a place where hope had long since withered.

They approached a dilapidated building, its windows boarded up and graffiti adorning the walls like a dark tapestry. The faint sound of music blared from within, accompanied by raucous laughter. Through a crack in the door, they caught a glimpse of the interior—a grimy, dimly lit space filled with people dancing and reveling in their own misery.

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