Turn boys reacting to your death: Washington, Hamilton, Lafayette, and Tallmadge

Start from the beginning

"Welcome home, and I see the Lieutenant is here with you." She rushed to you. "You will marry this man, understood?" she angerly hushed to you. "This way Lieutenant. [y/n] will start the dinner." she took him to take a tour of the house as you rolled your eyes and ventured to the kitchen. You returned to the entrance to gather the other things that the Lieutenant set down once your Aunt took him off on tour.

As you prepared dinner you found yourself feeling a sourness in your throat. It was like your esophagus was made of sandpaper Am I getting sick? You began to wonder. You quickly shoved it aside. Dinner went on and the two of them talked and talked while you poked at the food. The Lieutenant would ask you questions but your Aunt Margot quickly jumped in to answer for you. She clearly feared your honest answers, that the real you she burred inside you would come out and scare him away. You would try, try to push him away.

Over the next few months you found your throat feeling worse and worse. It was even getting harder and harder to breath. You had chest pains. Coughing. You had to see the doctor and that was when he told you what was wrong. "I have cancer of the lung?"

"Yes, I am so sorry Miss [y/l/n]." In a moment your whole world changed. Everything stopped. "Thank you doctor. I have some things to think about and get in order." You left the clinic and made a choice. I'm joining the fight, I will dress as a man. And so it was set. You left after dinner without a word or warning. You joined up and become a great asset on the battle field. You used a name similar to your own. Fellow soldiers would tell you "Great shot [y/false/n]!" You were doing great, but the pain was getting worse. You were starting to feel tired and noticed you were loosing weight. You wondered how much longer you had. The next battle you saw them on the battle field. Saw him. "Ben." you whispered. It was like you fell in love all over again seeing him all dressed out in blue and gold.

He saw you. You tried to run off but began to wheeze, he quickly caught up to you. "[y/n]." he spun you round to look at him. "Found you?" you tease. "Found? What are you doing here?"

"Fighting." You saw he was worried. "Ben, I'm fine. Just not a lot of food to eat in army. We can talk after the fight." You left from him and continued on. It was a draw, but a draw in this war was a victory for you and the others. Ben came to you. "How are you?"

You had to lie to him. "Fine Ben. Truly."

"Your pale." he said quickly placing the back side of his hand to your forehead to feel your temperature. "I never got to say good bye when you left." you said, it just slipped out. "I figured your aunt would shoot at me if I knocked." he chuckled. "I suppose she would have. She would have missed the shot." you tease. "It's good to see you Ben." you blush. "And you aswell, [y/n]."

"MY MY IS THAT [y/l/n]?!" Caleb picked you up and spun 'round. "How are you good looking, a bit sick are you?"

"Just a little but I will be okay." you reassure the bearded man. "Ben not being to hard on yah is he?" Caleb always was like a big brother to you. "Nah, he ain't being to hard." You quickly were transferred to Ben and his dragoons. You started to cough up blood, it was getting harder and harder to hide. Especially after Ben invited you to the ring and became Major Tallmadge. You often visited his tent. Friendship bloomed again, and those feelings came back to the surface.

Next thing you knew, you were unable to breathe. Ben thinking you having some sort of panic attack invited you to stay in the tent. The next thing you knew you were in his cot, chest to chest. In that moment, you knew, he loved you. You held him close. How could you tell him now?

Ben would sneak flowers into your tent, a letter here and you the same. Dream team on the battle field. You could feel yourself getting worse. Finally you told Caleb after you collapsed while talking to him. Ben was so happy to see you. When ever he entered your tent he would hug you, kiss your cheek, forehead, anywhere he could. Soon enough he walked into your tent as soon as you pulled your bloody rag from your mouth. "Ben, I'm sorry." You fell forward. "[y/n]." he held you. "[y/n], what's wrong? I knew something was wrong."

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