December 24, 2018

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DECEMBER 24, 2018

The Battle Between Gojo Satoru and Ryomen Sukuna Draws to its Conclusion


This isn't fun anymore. Toji made it fun. I had fun for a while, but now I'm losing. Sukuna is strong but...he's stronger than me. I thought having a challenge would be fun. Was Toji even a challenge? Not compared to this. Toji caused me to immediately get stronger and win, but I've gotten stronger and I'm still not winning. I've lost an arm, I've used up all my surprises, I can't use my domain, I can't even heal myself. Am I really gonna die at the hands of my favorite student's cursed technique. I forgot about that. Megumi. Megumi is still there. 


Am I gonna die? This is scary. I thought I might die with Toji, but I had a backup plan. Now I can't heal myself. I'm going to die. When I was sealed, I knew I wouldn't die, but now... Agh, I walked in here all cocky too. I said I would win. I should have listened to my bride. She knew this would happen. What was it she always said? Right. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." She's amazing. I won't be able to see her. I haven't been able to. I left her alone for two months without a word. She never wanted to be involved in all this, but now she'll be a widow because of the Jujutsu world.


Why is she the only thing on my mind now? I still remember the cute face she'd make every time she'd tried my coffee. I bribed her to try it sometimes just because I though the face was so cute. I called it the "Y/N-face." That's right. Oh she was gorgeous in that gown she wore for that party the higher ups hosted. It was so gorgeous I almost begged her to keep it on. Her baking too...She always made the best desserts. She really was a catch. Not to mention how adorable she was in the bedroom. She loved latching on to me. I remember the way she latched onto me while I pounded into her. Oh she was just darling. 


Our first night as a couple was a night to remember. I was leaning over her, taking in her nakedness. She was gorgeous. She grabbed me by my collar though, before I even had the chance to touch her.


"Satoru, you better swear to me, you'll never leave me without company. Call me a lovesick teenager, but I'm an grown woman who's desperate for company. If you're going to leave me, at least leave me with child. Don't be cruel. Let go of your pride and acknowledge the fact that I'm human and so are you. I crave a human's attention, and the fact that I crave yours proves that you're not invincible."

"Where are you going with this princess~? Are you suggesting I might lose a battle?" I so arrogantly scoffed in her face. I never knew it would come true.

"Yeah, I am. If you lose the battle I lose the war," she kissed me so gently and sweetly, it wasn't like any of the flings I had ever been apart of. It was even better than the kiss at the altar. "Satoru. Swear to me you won't leave me with no one. Swear it to me."

"Sweet heart you know I would never-"

"Satoru," her eyes were always so emotional and vulnerable, "I told you to swear to me. So please...just do it."

"Alright sweet heart, whatever helps you sleep at night. I swear to you, I will never leave you alone."

"Thank you," the tear that rolled down her cheek was something I noticed but disregarded. I wish I hadn't.

Now here I was on my knees, with one arm, no cursed energy left, and the King of Curses standing above me. I'm not coming back from this.

"Satoru Gojo," Sukuna spat on my face. I knew all my students and colleagues were watching. This was humiliating.

"Looks like you lose, even with the six eyes and limitless. No heir, no legacy, no nothing. You were strong until I was stronger, isn't that right?" Was he mocking me? People have mocked me before, but this hurt. Was it because I lost?

"Satoru Gojo, hand it over," Sukuna's mocking face switched to a serious one almost immediately. He held out his hand. I knew exactly what he wanted. I began to gag and choke until I spat up his last finger into the palm of his hand. I had copied Toji's technique of hiding cursed items in my digestive system.

Sukuna smiled wickedly. He wiped off the finger and ate it. 

As he waited for the last remnants of his soul to return, I began to think. Sukuna was so much easier when he possessed Itadori. Itadori could hold Sukuna back. How did Megumi even end up like this. That was besides the point. This wouldn't be happening if Megumi was as strongly willed as Itadori. This was all Megumi's fault. I'm not weak, Megumi just isn't strong enough. I never raised him to be weak. I raised him to be just as mentally strong as me. He's inherently weak. Megumi caused this. Fucking Megumi Fushiguro caused this stupid fucking mess. Now I'm going to lose my wife, and my standing, and my life. Fucking Megumi Fushiguro.


I looked up. Sukuna was there, looking like a regular man, in his pure naked form. Next to him, Megumi was in the clothes Sukuna used to fight in and was groaning as he sat up. 

"I'll get my previous form back eventually...I just need a couple hundred years to evolve...oh but this is glorious! I win!" Sukuna was given new clothes by his allies. He looked down at me. Jeez...this was rotten. I quickly glanced at Megumi who was sitting on his knees. He looked horrified.

"Gojo-sensei! What happened-?! D-did you lose-" His normally calm and stoic façade had been erased completely. He was obviously shocked and fearful.

"Shut the fuck up Megumi," I was pissed. This was Megumi's fault. All his fault.

Megumi looked shocked, "What..?"

"If you were just stronger and could hold Sukuna back like Itadori, I would have never had to fight," This gave me a sick sense of comfort.

"I thought you liked to fight...?" He gave me a confused and fearful look. No, it wasn't fearful, it was betrayed. He had been betrayed by the man who raised him, and I was feeding off of it like a drug.

"The entire world just lost it's only form of protection, thanks to you."

Megumi stayed silent, a horrified expression on his face.

Sukuna walked over to me and looked down at me. As he did so, blood spurt everywhere. Beside me, my old friend Geto, who had been possessed by the former sorcerer Kenjaku was decapitated. Despite me knowing Geto had died a long time ago, it still hurt to see what appeared to be my best friend being decapitated.

"Amazing, now we can get to business. Satoru Gojo, now that you're weak I can seal you."

"Seal me? Aren't you going to kill me?"

"Yes, don't worry, I will." Sukuna smiled, and everything returned to a familiar and empty darkness.

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