CHAPTER SIXTY-EIGHT: Forever and Always

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Haddock entered his room with the bucket of ice. He shut the door and turned around to see Connor sitting on the bed in her pajamas.

"Took you long enough." Connor smirked.

He set the bucket down. "I ran into Five and Fleur. Literally."

"Ah," she said in understanding then pat the bed.

He sat down beside Connor making the bed dip a little. She ran her fingers through his grown out hair. "Apparently there's some sort of conspiracy. Not really sure on the details there." Hadd shrugged. "I think Allison is involved whatever it is though. I saw her leaving the room in a hurry."

"Did you tell them?" Connor creased the space between her eyes.

"They didn't ask. Not sure what they were even asking. They had to have seen her in there. She walked right past them."

Connor exhaled a chuckle. "Wonder what Five could be cooking up. Especially if it's worthy enough to dwell on at the end of the world." Haddock chortled.

"One can imagine. Hey, I got the ice." He lifted the bucket then Connor set down the bottles of wine then got out two wine glasses for later. Chilled it was good but on ice wasn't as in their opinions.

"Maybe they're onto something this time. Five is usually the one to figure this stuff out."

"Yeah, maybe we'll be narrowly avoiding another apocalypse again," Haddock added with an eye roll.

"They're all going to have gray hair a year from now with all of this stress." Connor laughed. "We'll make it through this one, then the next, and the next... Never ending. That's my guess at least."

"If." He squeezed her thigh in thought and comfort. This apocalypse might be his only chance at actually dying. The rest so far he would live through, but this one will be the end of it all. "What happens if we die?" He had never contemplated it before. What would be the point?

Connor remembered that dark room and how Fleur could see her parents and sister, but not her. She was trapped with memories like her. She wasn't supposed to exist.

Connor clenched her jaw and tried not to show her worry. She swallowed the lump in her throat and blinked away the thought of losing her husband forever. There was still a chance that she could see him. She could see Klaus and Fleur. They both had his power though. She couldn't think about that.

Connor faintly shook her head. "I'm not sure."

Hadd softly sighed. "That's bullshit. What's going to happen to us, Consy?" he whispered. He tried to keep from jumping to conclusions because he had to believe that they would always be together.

Connor laid her head on his chest and hugged his arm. She couldn't look at him as she projected her deepest fear: an eternity without her love.

She shut her eyes. "I might not see you again," she croaked.

His eyes opened wide and he cupped her face in intense fret. "Tell me that's not true. Connor, that-that can't be true." He shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't believe that.

Connor's eyes watered. It was the hell she believed she deserved. "I'll try to figure out a way to see you again, I swear."

His throat burned as he stared at her. He can't lose her. "No. No, we're going to spend eternity together. Do you understand?" he proclaimed as if it was a choice.

Connor hugged him fully and he squeezed her tight. "I won't stop searching. I can promise you that."

He brushed the stray tear from her cheek. "Forever and always." Connor hugged him snugger.

Forever and always.

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