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"One lane please." Five flipped out his wallet and handed the woman at the counter some cash.

Pins crashed and laughter erupted as she typed something into the computer. "Okay! You're all set!" the employee said in a too cheerful voice. Fleur rolled her eyes and they sat down and waited on the others.

"Do you remember when we were kids... and our only worry was me getting caught as Connie or whether I'd die free falling off of Big Ben?" Five let out a laugh and stood up from his plastic seat. He extended his hand and she took it. Then the two started their slow waltz.

"The good ol' days." He twirled her. "The night you told me that my secret celebrity crush was my amazing girlfriend." She scrunched her nose with a smile.

"When you decided that you were going to "save me."" They both chuckled. "In a way I guess you did. There won't be an apocalypse if this works. At least not in 2019."

"It'll work. It has to." Five chewed on his cheek. Fleur wanted to say something but couldn't think of the right words. It was a little difficult to be positive right now. The weight of the world is a heavy load to bear. He couldn't meet her eyes so instead locked his gaze on her thumb brushing against his hand. "In case things go sideways... I love you, Fleur."

"I love you too, Mr. Man." His eyes fluttered to her lips...


The doors swung open and their family stumbled in at once. They searched for the two to see them dropping their arms from their dance. Fleur smoothed out his jacket then they sat down followed by the others.

The seat squeaked under Luther's weight. "Look, I hate to be the one to say this, but everyone needs to prepare."

Diego squinted his eyes at his brother. "For what?"

"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya." Everyone of them looked at him in disgust at his horrific words. Allison slapped his abnormally large arm. "I—" He sighed. "We may not have a choice, Allison."

"Bullshit," Diego called him out.

"I gotta say, this is unlike you, Captain America. She's our sister. There's always a choice."

One scoffed. "Coming from the murderess that has killed the most he—"

"Enough," Fleur cut him off. It's bad enough that she did it, but them bringing it up in every conversation was the real salt in the wound.

"Yeah well that was her choice. Sorta." Five backed her up and put a hand on Fleur's thigh and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly with the other. She looked down at her hands. He had the best of intentions with that line but it sure didn't help much. "But, yeah, we don't have many to choose from at the moment." Fleur suddenly felt uncomfortable by his touch.

"I don't know, but it doesn't have to be that. I have to agree with Eight on this one. Vanya's our sister," Diego stated his vote.

"And what's your sudden change in tone?" Luther scoffed.

"Number Eight was ready to die to save my life." Diego stared him in the eyes, showing his seriousness as he said it. He still had to refer to her as Eight though. Number Eight was his childhood friend. She helped him with his stutter, homework, and tactics. She was his knife throwing buddy and could gawk over them all day same as him. He wanted that girl back.

"Look, whatever we decide, we need to find Vanya. And fast, okay? She could be anywhere." Luther abruptly stood up out of annoyance.

Klaus unfolded the newspaper. "Or... here." They all got up and crowded around him to see Vanya's picture on the print.

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