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The trio showed up at the fighting ring that Luther was in. Fleur looked at a poster for an upcoming fight involving Connor Adamantinus and someone that calls himself 'the Viper'. She scoffed and ripped it from the wall, crumbling it into a ball and tossing it away.

A loud bell dinged, splitting through the roar of the crowd, initiating the fight. Luther punched a large man in the face to which he was returned a meaty fist to the gut.

Fleur grimaced. "Still can't believe he's a fighter. And for Jack Ruby at that."

"Crazy, right?" Five agreed with a pained expression at each one of the hits. Number One punched the guy again making the man stumble back. "There goes his 'Captain America' attitude." Five smirked and peaked at his love out of the corner of his eye. He knew that's how she always used to describe him as. It really did fit.

Fleur's eyes widened. "I know right! You see it too."

"Yeah, totally." He looked away and grinned.

Suddenly the tables turned on the fight and Luther was the one getting the brunt of it, beaten into place with a rain of attacks. He wasn't even attempting to put up a fight. Despite his opponent's size, Luther was bigger and no doubt stronger.

"Look, he's pummeling him." Vanya grimaced.

"Hit me again," Spaceboy told the fighter who did as he said after his initial shock at the odd request.

"He's not even trying anymore." Fleur winced as he landed another punch.

"The hell are you doing?!" Jack Ruby shouted at him from the crowd over the mix of boos.

"Oh, my God, Luther." Vanya watched as his opponent slammed her brother against the wall.

"Why isn't he fighting back?" Five asked.

"That's a very good question," Fleur said with her eyes glued to the scene.

"Hit me again. Again! I wanna feel pain. I wanna feel all the pain," Luther continued hollering to the beast of a man. He was taken aback but he did again.. and again.. and again.

"What happened to him?" Fleur muttered.

"Luther, are you crazy? Just hit him!" Five shouted.

"Give me all you got!" One demanded and the other man punched him in the gut hard enough to make him fly backwards. The crowd went quiet as he thudded to the dusty ground. Then at once they all booed at the poor fight.

"Shit Luther." Five stood flabbergasted like the rest of them.

"Why didn't he fight back?" Vanya asked again.

Fleur watched him lay still in the scattered straw with her lips parted. "Said he wanted to feel pain. What happened to him?.. Poor guy."


Vanya and Fleur stared down at the black and blue man laying on a twin sized bed that wasn't proportionate to the giant on top of it. Then his eyes fluttered awake. "Allison?"

"Sorry to disappoint," Vanya replied and handed him a wet towel. "Here. For your face. Do you need a pillow or... an.. an aspirin?"

"Wait, uh..." he started. "Why are you here, Vanya?"

"You're my brother. I mean, apparently." Vanya chuckled.

Then he saw me. "Fleur?"

Fleur nodded. "It's been a day or two." Standing in front of him she still didn't know how she felt. After all of these years though Fleur lost the care.

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