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January 1991

A letter dropped through the slot on the door. Connor clicked the pause button on the TV then rolled up the sleeve on Haddock's maroon sweatshirt to pick up the note. A brilliant smile swept across her face to see that it was from Hadd.


1 Month 'til the end of the Gulf War! Gah! I can't wait to come home to you! You have no idea how nice it's been to receive letters back from you. I adore you so much, Consy. As always, I think about you every waking & unwaking moment I'm away. Think I'd go mad if I had to wait any longer. Ha! Can't believe I'm countin' down the days now 'til I get to see ya in my shirt again. <3

I love you!


Connor scrambled for a pen and paper.


Goodness gracious golly almighty a month sounds like forever & a day too long. You are never going off to war again FYI. I adore you so so so much. Ah! Fish! You're finally coming home soon! Being away from you is just the worst. Oh & I've adopted all of your shirts BTW. <3

I love you too!


She'd been leaving the TV on nonstop. Connor knew all of who, what, where, why, and how the war ended so she had no reason to worry or wonder but love does that to a person. Connor couldn't hardly wait another day to be able to hear his voice again and not settle for reading his words on paper.

Connor cursed every day that her power only stretches so far so she couldn't just teleport to see him. Instead she spent most of her days flipping through the notes that he sent back so that she could feel closer to him. Connor knew she loved Haddock but she didn't realize just how much until he was gone. He left a sinkhole in her heart that couldn't be filled without him there.

It'd been a half a year now since he'd enlisted again. She despised his 'obligation' to fight but she had done the same thing with the apocalypse in a way. Connor loved how much he cared but it was tough. Really tough.

Connor ground her teeth as she picked up a bottle of painkillers that she had hidden in her sock drawer. Don't do it. Connor, Five said natural causes. She teetered her head and popped half of the bottle. He never defined natural causes. Pills—everything, originates from nature in a way.

Connor sat down and let the effects take ahold. It wasn't long before her body became numb and her joints gave out.


"Five?" Her bright grin dropped at his unhappy demeanor.

He stood up. "Nuh-uh. No. You can't just kill yourself and waltz into the afterlife when you feel like it! We've talked about this! Fleur! Now give me a hug. I've missed you."

It was an unknowing tease for him. She came there to see a friend but Five always went into a spiral every time he had to watch his love take the rose of life and leave him for another man.

Life is cruel but death is no better.

She sloshed water as she made her way to him. "I missed you too! And it's not like I kill myself all the time. I can't visit a friend?" Connor glanced at the tv that he always has on still only stationed to her life. The only difference in his room since she first came across it is the increase in alcohol and the paintings and throw blankets that she added because she felt that this room, void of any color but a blinding white, should be more of a home than a prison. "Speaking of friends... Five—"

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