CHAPTER FORTY-ONE: Ordinary Human Being

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Haddock set the unconscious Diego on a table. The look he gave him said that he was doing everything in his power not to break his arm then stab him with it. Connor held his hand which seemed to soften him enough.

Lila gave Diego a shot and he screamed. "Shh!" Lila exclaimed. That was one way to wake him. "Don't move. This thing is very finicky." She cauterized his wound while he shrieked. "There. That's better."


Fleur and Five teleported into the room. Hadd rolled his eyes and pulled Connor to his side as if he was the plague. Five gave a closed mouth laugh and stepped forward with Fleur in his arm.

"Oh. He isn't dead," the Boy closed his free hand into his shorts pocket.

"Disappointed?" Lila scoffed while getting antiseptic to clean his wounds once they weren't so tender.

"Oh, to see you? Always," Five quipped. Haddock clenched his hand and went to walk over to Five in a threatening manner but Connor held his fist to stop him. He'd about had it with him and he was in a fighting mood.

"So much hostility in such a tiny package." Lila tsked Five, ignoring what was almost a scene and putting Hadd at ease a bit.

Hadd was grinding his teeth. He'd picked a focus point so that he wasn't staring down Diego or Five so instead he was giving a deathly glare to some curtains. Connor stepped on his tapping foot. "Fish, go take a walk."

He narrowed his eyes. "But—"

"Go." He sighed then left. No one dared to speak or even move until they heard the slam of the front door.

"What's his tizzy?" Lila asked Connor who pressed her lips together and softly sighed. She contemplated whether or not Diego would die by Lila's hand if she told her. What she wasn't aware of is that Connor didn't know the full story herself.

"It's a long story. But, he's kinda been on the fritz with his mood swings. I'd swear he was on his period." Connor's sight never left the door. He wasn't an angry guy. He was more suited to a puppy—always making her smile and adorable. This was new to her. "I'm gonna go talk to him." Before anyone could advise against it, she was out the door.

Fleur brushed her thumb over the wrap on Five's collarbone area. "Did you cut yourself shaving?" Lila retorted. He grimaced. "I could teach you to shave like a big boy."

Fleur turned to Five and tilted her head for a second. "I mean, you kinda had it coming." Five rolled his eyes.

The Boy sighed. "No, I just ran into an old family friend," he answered Lila. Snoring erupted and they looked back to see Elliot still tied up in the chair.

"Seriously? No one untied him?" Fleur stepped over to unbind him with a glower.

"Was I supposed to?" Lila asked.

Diego took a deep breath, finally coming to his senses. "What happened?" he lightly panted.

Lila continued cleaning his wound. "I saved your stupid life."

"Were you following me?" Diego questioned as he took account of what had happened.

"Uh, hey, how about a little gratitude, knife boy. If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead. That's twice now, by the way."

"Um, more good news." Fleur clapped her hands together.

"I think we may have found Vanya," Five finished. "Crop circles aren't exactly made by your typical being."

"We just came to check up on this doofus." She smirked.

"You're good here?" Five asked but he was already practically dragging Fleur out with him.

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