CHAPTER FORTY-NINE: Alley-wave Goodbye

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Fleur sat against the wall of a brick building in the alleyway and shakily sighed. She let out a yawn and her eyelids drooped but she couldn't let herself sleep. Haddock slid down beside her. "You alright?"

"Yeah, it's just... There's been a lot happen in the last four years and I just... I don't even know anymore." She leaned against him and twirled Five's ring on her thumb, absent of any thought. Her mind had been so worked up over this snafu that she'd just... stopped.

He hummed. "Well, if you're anythin' like Connor, which I know you are, you're exhausted. And right now is probably the only chance you're goin' to get for a while to sneak in a nap." She stiffened. A nightmare is the last thing she wants right now. "Consy is on the couch takin' one right now. Needed a break from the paradox. She figured you did too."

"Thanks but no thanks." She scoffed. "You're a good friend, Hadd, and my duplicate's hubby so you of all people should know that sleep is the last thing on my to-do list."

He only inclined his head. He knew her situation. He'd already lived through it once with his lady. Connor still struggles with it but not like she did. "If you want I'll stay with you. If you start havin' a nightmare I'll wake you up. You need to sleep, Con—Fleur. We've got..." He picked up the clock he took from his wall because apparently he doesn't wear a watch. Why wear one when you've got all the time in the world? " 'Bout sixty-five minutes."

Fleur gazed at her feet as she contemplated it. She was tired. She'd been up a total of six days now and it was only a matter of time before she just passed out. At the same time, a bad dream didn't seem worth it. She needed some rest for the fight ahead more though.

Her lungs deflated then she reluctantly gave a small nod against his chest. Hadd grinned. "Good." Haddock laid her head on his lap in a more comfortable position and took off his black coat with multiple army patches on the shoulder from his service in the Vietnam War.

He hadn't felt right not to fight with his ability. He'd save a few lives here and there and still go undetected by the Commission. No one noticed one soldier in the wave of thousands. Hadd was a goofball, but he was smart.

Haddock stroked Fleur's hair until she fell asleep. It didn't take long at all. She was struggling to stay awake as it was. Only problem was that he accidentally dozed off in the steady bustle of cars and her warmth.

Fleur's dream wasn't so bad this time...


Dad was making pancakes this morning. He wasn't drunk! I'm having a hard time believing it myself, then I look to the faint bruises on my arms and remember, but today was different. He was happy.

Dad sang along to the buoyant song on the radio. The lyrics were wrong and we all giggled. Mom and Dad danced in between flipping the sizzling pancakes and she hummed along.

I wish everyday was like this. It was my own little piece of Heaven.

Booster and I sang and twirled each other along with them. If I wasn't sure of a lyric I'd just kinda hum the words and she'd pick it up then we'd keep at it.

Dad flipped the pancakes into the air and with Booster and I's perfect precision, we'd catch them with our plates and giggle. In that moment we didn't want to think about how we were able to do that with such ease, only that the pancakes didn't land on the hardwood floor.

Mom clapped. "Nicely done." Dad dipped her and she laughed. Her smooth laugh was beautiful. Music to my ears and a blessing to all those who heard it. Even Dad joined in with an almost undetectable chuckle.

We ate our food around the living room while we tried to guess what the saying was on Wheel of Fortune.

I wanted just one more taste of that day.

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