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"Hey, Elliot, we—Fish, you can put me down now. I can walk." Connor huffed. She'd been fully functional since they arrived but Haddock still wanted to carry her.

He just smirked. "Nope."

Connor sighed and accepted her fate. "Anyway. We're back." The rest followed them in and stopped to see Number One frying an overflowing pan of scrambled eggs. "Luther? What're you doing here?"

"Ruby kicked you out after all." Fleur sat down at the table with a new sullen demeanor. Five sat down beside her to hold her hand. Luther just shrugged his enormous shoulders.

Five skimmed over the married couple. "Connor, are you really still healing?"

She scoffed. "No, this oaf just won't put me down."

"Why did it take so long for you to come back this time?" Haddock complained in his defense.

"Because someone was literally squeezing the life out of me. Blood doesn't come from nowhere, numbskull." Connor flicked his head and he smiled broader.

"I think the actions of this 'someone' were fully plausible given the circumstances. So, are we wanna talk 'bout the assassins tryin' to kill us?"

"Yeah. I don't understand. They keep following me." Diego paced across the dining room.

"Wait, who?" Spaceboy inquired as he struggled to put the abnormally large amount of scrambled eyes onto a plate.

"Those Dutch sociopaths."

"They're Swedish, you idiot." Five rolled his eyes at the Kraken.

Fleur put her free hand to her temple. "We've literally been calling them "the Swedes" this entire time, Diego."

"Whatever, same difference. Who are they?"

"Mr. Clean and his gang," Haddock quipped.

"Underpaid milkmen on a bad day," Connor kept it going with an increasing smile.

"Dr. Emmett Brown's sons in dire need of anger management."

"No, hired guns paid to eradicate us before we do any more damage to the timeline," Five corrected as if explaining it to a child.

"Yeah, but why now? I mean, I'm fine for three months until you showed up. Haddock and Connor have been here since 1950 something and they've had no problems."

" '56." Haddock and Connor announced in unison.

"Yeah, I was here for a year and no one messed with me," Luther added from his spot by the stove.

Fleur sighed. "World's ending ...again. And we only have six days to fix this thing."

"And the closest anyone's gotten to Dad was that driveway at the consulate," Five concluded.

"Well... that's not exactly true," Luther said.

"Yeah, I guess he did almost impale us at that meeting." Fleur nudged Five.

"True." Then their attention drew back to Luther when they thought through what he said. "What do you mean?"

"I saw him."

"Where? When?" Fleur dropped Five's hand and stood up to walk closer to him. Five got up too and stood shoulder to shoulder by her.

"I went to go see him after I arrived. Gathered up enough money to take the bus to the Academy. Went into one of his parties, told him I was his son and that I needed help, and he told me to get out."

"That's pathetic," Diego spat and the doppelgängers scrunched their faces at him.

"Yeah, well, at least he didn't shank my ass." Luther grumbled.

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