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I was on my way back home from visiting my father. He was telling me how he wants to take care of me and insure a great future for my daughter. 

"I just want to give her the life I could never give you." Once those words left his mouth tears fell from his eyes. I felt my heart break a little. "It's ok papa." I said, kissing his forehead. "You're here now that's all that matters." He smiled at me and hugged me tightly. 

"I love you." 

"I love you more." I spoke into his chest.

I was half way home when I felt water trickling down my legs. Shit did I just piss myself? I pulled over and got out of the car and began wiping myself down with some napkins. As I wipe off the seat I felt a sharp pain running through my body. 

"Fuck!" I yelled while holding on to the car door. I took deep breaths and finally the pain went away. Wait...fucking shit. 

I grabbed my phone and called Dante. "Baby?' He answered the phone quickly. "Babe...my water broke." I heard a glass fall. "Shit ok ok where are you?" I looked up to see if I could find a street sign but couldn't. 

"I don't know but I'm going to drive to the hospital." 

"Shit..ok I'm going to grab the bag and meet you there, I love you baby." I smiled "Love you too." I hung up the phone and got back into the car. 

Is it even safe to drive while having contractions? Oh speaking of I need to time them. The drive to the hospital was short but the contractions came every 8 minutes. 

I went up to the lady at the front desk and smiled at her. "Hi um..I'm going into labor. I'm not sure if I should sit down and wait or not." Her eyes widened and she went and got me a wheelchair. 

"don't worry mama we'll get you nice and comfortable. Will the father be joining us?" 

"Yeah he's just a few minutes away that's all." The nurse brought me to the room and I got settled in. 

A few minutes later the door opened and Dante was came in with a bunch of bags. "I got everything we'll need. God i can't believe that this is happening." I smiled. 

"Neither can I it's so fucking early." I hope our baby will be ok. 

We were in the room for a few more minutes the doctor came in and out to teach how far along I was in the delivery stage. 

Finally the time came. The contractions were a minute apart and I was 10 centimeters dilated. "On your next contraction I need you to push."

I held dante's hand. I felt the contraction coming and I pushed as hard as I could. "Ok I see the head." I took deep breaths. "Fuck!" i yelled as the next contraction came and I pushed again. 

Tears left my eyes and sweat dripped down my face. "My fucking god!" I yelled pushing again. 'Ok mama we need one big push." 

I turned to Dante who was looking at me already. "This is the first and last baby I'm ever giving to you!" I yelled at him. He smirked down at me. 

"We'll see about that." 

I pushed once more and I heard crying. I looked down to see my baby girl covered in blood. The doctor handed her to the nurses who washed her off. 

They came back and handed me my beautiful baby girl. I couldn't help but cry at the moment. 

"Hi baby. I'm your mama." I kissed her forehead. I looked back up at Dante who had tears in his eyes. This was so fucking perfect. 

"Rosabella Castro." I looked back at Dante to see him on his knee. No fucking way. 

"Will you make me-Yes!" I yelled. The nurses and doctor laughed as well as Dante. "yes a thousand times yes." He pulled out the box and put the ring on my finger. 

It was so fucking gorgeous. 

"It was my mama's ring

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"It was my mama's ring." I looked at Dante with tears in my eyes. "I love you." He smiled down at me. 

'I love you more, Rose."

The end...

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