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I was fucking swollen. My feet hurt. My ankles killed me. My back was arching. Dante was getting on my last nerve.

"Please for fuck sakes get me the damn food!" I yelled at him. I started to cry from being frustrated with the man. "Baby you can't have McDonald's everyday." I grabbed a lotion bottle and threw it towards him not at him.

"Your a bastard! I hate you! I shouldn't have gotten pregnant from you. God I could rip your balls off!" I cried. This was horrible I was seven months pregnant and tired.

"Baby I made you some pasta please just eat this." I turned on my side and huffed. "I'll starve." I continued crying before I smelt the food and my head rose.

I saw Dante holding a plate and eating it besides me. I sniffed and moved closer to him. "Baby..can I have some please." He chuckled and turned to me with some food on the fork. I ate it and moaned.

"I'm sorry I was mean to you baby I'm just so tired. Everything hurts." He hummed kissing my forehead. "It's ok baby." I continued to eat his food as he rubbed my feet.

Dante and I have been together for about nine months almost ten. This baby need to get out of me now.

I've been having really bad mood swings and my body has been in so much pain. Dante is the best boyfriend I could as for. He would but me stuff and take me places.

Trixie has been so good as well. Even though I yell at her half the time she still is so patient with me.

"Baby." I whispered. Dante hummed. "Can you make me another plate." He laughed and nodded his head. He took the plate from me and went to fix me another serving.

As soon as he left I felt the urge to pee. I got up and wobbled over yo the toilet. I've been having to pee none stop this pregnancy. I'm so close into killing myself.

Dante and I have finally decided on a name for the baby after goin back and forth. We decided to name her Joselyn. I love the name.

Joselyn Isabella Castro-Bianchi. There was a bit of a debate on the last name but we decided to hyphenated it.

"Ok so Joselyn Isabella Bianchi." Dante spoke. I looked at him confused. "No Joselyn Isabella Castro." Dante started laughing.

Yes this man was laughing in my face. He soon stopped and looked at me in disbelief. "Your not serious." I stood up and walked away from him. "Baby it's better to have her name as Bianchi since you will be taking my last name." Wow what?

I turned to him and looked at him confused. "No I won't." He was shocked. "So when we marry you'll keep Castro?" I nodded my head. "No."

"No? You can't tell me what I can and can not do. Do you know the process of changing your name." Dante just shrugged his shoulders. I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

I took a second before coming up with an idea. "Joselyn Isabella Castro-Bianchi."

Honestly now that I think about it it was a stupid debate. I got out the bathroom and went into the kitchen. I was a wobbling monster.

My stomach was huge and it looked as if I was nine months pregnant when in reality I was only seven. It's weird how some peoples stomach grow differently during pregnancy's.

Dante was fixing my plate and I sat down at the  table. He looked up at me and smiled. I love this man so much. "Here you go baby."

I thanked him and began to eat. Dante sat down beside me and ate with me. "I'm almost finished decorating the nursery." Ah I forgot about that.

Dante and I had went shopping a few weeks ago to get some items for the nursery.

Dante was pushing the cart while I looked at all the baby items. "I can't believe we are having a baby." I felt tears build up in my eyes. "Shit I'm crying again."

I wiped my face. Dante came and hugged me. "This feels so surreal. I'm having a baby with the woman I love." I started crying even more. "That's so fucking cheesy." Dante laughed and kissed my forehead.

After our little moment we began shopping for a crib and pampers. We went a bit overboard being that this is our first child but still.

"That's good I can't wait to see the finished product." Dante hasn't let me in the nursery not wanting to "spoil the surprise". I hate surprises.

"Oh your dad stopped by he asked if you could come over tomorrow." I rolled my eyes. My father has been smothering since I've been pregnant.

He has bought so much stuff for us and visits all the damn time. It's getting annoying. "If I see his face one more time I may kill myself." I finished my food and began to get up when Dante took the plate.

"He's your dad he just loves you and wants to take care of you." Yea well he can take care of this dick.

"Yeah yeah."

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