CHAPTER 29| Collapse.

Start from the beginning

"Later, tomorrow. Not now,"

I keep my face void of any emotion, like always, but I'm confused. Is she sleep talking?

"We can't— Azalea come on, let's not get a detention," I quickly say, watching as the teacher crept closer.

After a few seconds of consideration, she finally lazily raises her head and brings out her book.

I let out a quiet breath of relief before attending to my work.

It's not like being one of the best hackers in the underground does anything to help me get straight A*s or anything..

I side-eye Azalea just as the teacher moves in the way and looks at the amount of work she'd managed in that small amount of time. Even though she'd got in the way, I was able to get a glimpse of Azalea's face. I'm not the best at reading people, but she looked fine.

I contently smile, plugging in my airpods and kicking my feet on the desk once again, not caring about the teacher's displeasure or complaints. I just didn't want Azalea getting detention again. She's a good kid.. for the most part.

My eyes close and I quietly nod my head to the music that boomed from my AirPods.

A few minutes pass, and I look over to check on Azalea, but my eyebrows furrow when I still see the back of Mrs. Simons. I lean back on my chair slightly and see Azalea squeezing her eyes shut, clutching her stomach. She takes slow, shaky breaths and chants something quietly. Mrs. stands there, mouth moving. Speedily, I take out my AirPods, hearing loud screaming almost instantly.

What the fuck?

"Azalea, you haven't written a SINGLE thing on your page, you've had 35 minutes! You're always sleeping in class, is it because you use drugs before class?"  
She angrily screams, accusingly peering at Azalea's shaking state.

My eyes twitch slightly, my hands shake with overwhelming anger. They itch for violence. I gather everything in me to not use violence, but this bitch needs a real good fucking lesson. I'm not intensely trained like Nicholas or Giovanni, but I can do just enough damage.

But Giovanni has trained us doggies to never ever hit women so, I won't. But I can go off at her, can't I?

"Don't say that about my little fucking sister, Mrs. Stick-up-my-fucking-ass, don't forget who was banging a teacher and who has proof. You can clearly see she's in pain but all your bitchass is doing is standing there ranting off about drugs when you're seconds away from a heart attack. Get a grip, you're like 75 and still working. Resignation has never looked do good, has it? Drugs couldn't save your life even if it wanted to, but that'd be if your broke ass could afford shit. That's my little sister you're talking about, and that's your job and preferably lifeline on the line, bitch. I'll fucking shoot you in the head if you say any other shit about my sister."

Maybe I went a little overboard.

Gently, I take Azalea's arm and drag her out the classroom and into the empty hallway. Take a quick glance at her and notice just how much pain she seems to be in. "Azalea- are you okay?" The previously hidden innocence hastily comes rushing back to me ask I ask, knowing I probably terrified her.


I probably did terrify her. That last line about her lifeline was a little, unneeded. And that also was so fucking inconsiderate— she's probably overthinking this way too much. Maybe she thinks I'll reflect on her and start to blackmail and threaten her though. I'd rather die than do that, but she doesn't know that. Fuck, I'm dumb.

"Wait—I'm so fucking sorry Azalea, I didn't mean that. Her screaming at you just really triggered me and she was also being really ignorant, but I'm being really ignorant right now too, aren't I? Well, I can assure you I don't go around shooting people in the head whenever I feel like it because that's illegal and so are guns. Please don't be mad at me, and don't overthink it either. I'll protect you before anyone, I promise." I beg, occasionally going off topic.

Please don't overthink it.

"Um—" she starts, but it cut off by what I'm assuming is another surge of pain. Fuck, she's literally in pain and I'm just standing there. So much for protecting her.

Has she not eaten anything today?

Seconds pass seconds. Trees rustling from behind the shelter of the glazed windows echo down the melancholy hallway. My breath quickens, my hands form into fists. I dig my short, cut nails into my palm, nearly drawing blood. I slightly shake, silently praying she'd forgive me. It's only been two months and I'm more than willing to give my life for her. My soriella. My life. I hope she knows that.

Maybe I'm overthinking it now.

She opens her mouth, her lips part. Anticipation and anxiety pump along with my chilled blood. My heart pauses.

Everything is in slow motion.

Instead of a clear answer, pain drowns her in it's wrath. I quickly go to aid her, but she hunches over and green, liquid bile spills over the marble floor pallets.

My eyes widen as I slowly step back, running to her side and holding her hair up.

I watch in utter confusion as she pukes everywhere.


She lazily raises her head and glazes at me with heavy eyes.

My eyebrows furrow. At the loud, deep voice that called Azalea's name and at her sudden exhaustion.

Then, she collapses.

                         ✯                          ༄

Okay.. First of all..


Y'all, I'm not even kidding, it's been such a busy week for me today. I'm so so so sorry for the delay, I'll try my best to prevent it and post more often.

Just realised I don't have a banner for Aidan or Azzy's.. new friend. So.. All of the banners will be updated!

Next chapter will be posted tomorrow or friday and it'll be longer than this one. ( preferably tmr)

(Edited and please, the original version of this chapter was so extra and corny I can't😭)

Until next time,

- Violet

- Violet

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