chapter twenty-eight: wake up call

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minji pov:

after class, to which i barely payed attention to since i was too caught up thinking about the girl next to me, i immediately get up from my seat, swinging my backpack onto my shoulder without looking back as students are streaming out of classrooms, i don't look at any of them, though, i'm going straight home.

finally, after a long week without speaking to hanni, which i immensely regret now, i mean, imagine your girlfriend doesn't talk to you for a week, what an asshole. but, well, i just needed time to think, to sort my thoughts out so that i could just take everything in.

during the past week, i had more of my memories about hanni come back, which felt surreal. i even talked to my mom about it and she already knew, she knew that a certain someone was back in my life just by how oblivious i've been acting at home about her, maybe i am a fool for hanni.

once i unlock the door to our house, i get greeted by the smell of food, meaning that my parents arrived from their business trip. i, of course, talked to my mom on the phone every night, she encouraged me to speak to hanni again, asking again and again if i finally spoke to her, but i haven't, today was my last straw, though, i'll visit her tomorrow.

"there's my minji girl! how was school, sweetheart?",my mom immediately throws her arms around me once i walk into the kitchen, i giggle, hugging my mom back tightly.

"oh, just the usual, people staring at me and all that.. how was your business trip? where's dad?",i reply, letting go of my mother as we sit down on the barstools. "you didn't talk to hanni yet, did you, sweetie? the business trip was alright, your father's upstairs sleeping, you know, jet lag", my mom asks me, perfectly seeing through me.

i shrug, the answer already being said, "i didn't, but, mom, she smiled at me today and.. i'm gonna go talk to her tomorrow", i ramble to my mom, who's shaking her head at me as she puts down a bowl of tteokguk (rice cake soup) in front of me, "do that, sweetie, if you're ready",my mom encourages me as she goes upstairs, leaving me to dwell in my thoughts as i stir my spoon in the soup.

after eating and putting my bowl in the dishwasher, i take my backpack from the hallway and go upstairs to my room, i quickly change out of my uniform once i get to my room, changing into a comfy pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt, which is a bit of a wrong choice since it's getting colder each day.

3rd person pov:

as the eighteen year old quickly realises that it's too cold to be wearing a tshirt, she gets one of her zip up hoodies and puts it on, feeling much warmer now as she plops down on her bed, over thinking about how to speak to hanni tomorrow. what if the girl isn't gonna be home then?

the question lingers in her head, even when she starts to read a book of her's that she's been getting too much into lately. so the eighteen year old picks up her phone, which has been left to be abandoned on her desk, she then realises she forgot the electronic device at home, but that doesn't matter to her now.

once she's unlocked her phone, ignoring the flood of notifications from several social medias, the girl gets ready to text hanni, her fingers lingering on the phone screen as she thinks of what to text her.

before this week, it would've been much easier for the girl to ask hanni if she's home tomorrow, but now that she's knowingly distanced herself from the vietnamese girl, it's gotten harder for her, although nothing else really changed.

she just remembers everything she did with hanni, how much fun they used to have back then, how carefree they were, how they used to share everything with each other and never be able to shut up when together.

groaning, minji realises it's pretty much useless to text her, the younger girl would probably find it weird, too. so, minji goes back down stairs, putting on her shoes as she checks herself out in the mirror which is in their entryway, presentable enough.

"mom? dad? i'm going over to hanni's!", the girl shouts out, her foot already out of the door. "okay sweetheart, just be careful! you got this, baby!",her mother replies, shouting equally as loud, to which minji puts on a confident smile,
i can do this, i can fix this, i'll save us, hanni and me.

the girl in my dreams Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant