chapter twenty-two: mine

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minji pov:

after that kiss with hanni (or should i rather say kisses?), i almost didn't want to let her go, didn't want to stop kissing her. i stare at hanni for a while, as she's leaning on her wall now, where i pinned her small frame onto just now. the short girl softly smiles at me, making me smile back at her while my heart feels like it's been running miles and miles. is this even okay? is this what best friends do??

i shake off the questions in my head, no, it's not what best friends do, of course not. but then what are we? friends with benefits? best friends who occasionally kiss? i furrow my eyebrows in confusion, laying down on hanni's bed with my arms and legs spread out, all those thoughts running through my head, seemingly endless.

"minji?", hanni calls out, her voice suddenly sounding serious now, so i sit up again, facing her with a curious look, "what are we?", she questions, to which i can't find an answer either, as nothing is confirmed. i let out a long sigh, taking hanni's hands into mine as we both think hard, think of what we are.

"i don't know, hanni, it's hard to tell..",i answer after not finding anything fitting, i just don't want to ruin our friendship, but the damage is already done, i like hanni, the question is just if it's mutual, so i face hanni again, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she flinches slighty, staring at me with starry eyes.

"minji, i like you..",hanni says quietly, but still loud enough for me to hear as we're just inches away from our lips touching once more, so i gently cup her cheeks with my hands, pulling her closer to me as we share a quick, gentle kiss, which turns into a passionate kiss pretty quickly.

"minji-yah..",hanni quietly moans out into my mouth, mentally cooing as it's the cutest moan i've ever heard in my life.
suddenly, i feel something wet on my face, so i quickly pull away, looking down at hanni as tears stream down her pretty face.

i hug hanni tightly, not wanting her to think i don't like her back as i kiss her forehead, "hanni, it's okay, i got you, i like you too, please don't cry..",i soothe hanni, her sobs audibly stopping as she looks at me with tears in her eyes, her arms around my neck.

hanni pov:

my eyes immediately widen after hearing what minji just said. "i like you too", she likes me back. kim minji likes me back. i don't want her to, i have to ruin it all sooner or later, but i also want minji, i want her more than i don't want her to like me back.

i want to be hers. i can't go back now, can i? i can't disappoint her now, i can't just leave her standing after knowing that our feelings for each other are mutual. "hanni, do you.. want to be mine? i mean- can you be my girlfriend? please, pham hanni?",minji asks, her eyes full of love and shiny with tears. i just nod, smiling brightly at her.

i don't care about the quest anymore, i just want minji and now she's asking me to be her girlfriend. "yes, i want to be yours, kim minji, i want to be your girlfriend",i whisper, to which minji throws her arms around me, "thank you",she says in a broken voice, noticing how tears are streaming down her face, my hands moving to rub her back comfortingly. i did it;
kim minji is mine again.

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