chapter nineteen: i got you

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minji pov:

as we sit down on the couch of hanni's house, each of us snuggled up together with blankets and snacks that dani and haerin bought earlier, i notice that hanni looks rather worried, as if she's scared to watch a horror movie. so i move over to where hanni is sitting just as the movie starts, putting my arm around her gently as i always do.

"han, are you okay? if you're scared of watching horror movies we can watch something else", i whisper into hanni's ear quite loudly as the movie plays. hanni just shakes her head, her hand falling to my lap, "i'm okay, don't worry. i can handle it",hanni reassures, sounds like she's bluffing, but oh well.

"alright, if you say so, han, just tell me if it gets too scary and we can watch something else",i offer, smiling at her as she grins back at me in a cute manner. while the movie still plays, each of us just sitting in silence, focused, hanni takes my hand into her's to hide her face behind it, what the heck hanni? why's she so adorable??

i just chuckle, patting her head in an attempt to distract her. "guys she's going to pop out of there!",hyein says loudly, the excitement in her eyes being obvious. as the movie goes on, the lady in the dress pops out of somewhere that hyein predicted, making hanni scream pretty loudly as so does dani, which makes me flinch.

"WHAT THE HECK HYEIN YOU SPOILED!!",hanni scolds the youngest of us, to which i chuckle, while hyein just sticks out her tongue towards hanni playfully, such a rascal. "that wasn't funny, hye", i say to hyein as she puts on a pouty face, that little kid.

"okay hyein, no pouting!", i demand, booping hyein's nose while doing so, which makes her giggle, she's just a little kid, i realise.
during this, hanni full on cuddles up to me, her head laying on my chest as our hands are dangerously intertwined.

"is someone scared?",i coo at hanni, noticing that her nose is scrunched up as she looks zoned out. hanni just flinches, looking up at me with her round eyes. "i'm scared as hell right now, but i don't mind, as long as you hold on to me",hanni answers, a visible blush forming on her face as she realises what she just said.

i coo once more, falling deeper for hanni every second, "don't worry, i gotchu",i answer, holding onto hanni tight as i move my hands to hold her small frame. hanni just smiles up at me, practically sitting (or laying) on my lap now as i can't take my eyes off of her, the things you do to me, pham hanni.

hanni pov:

after i tell minji that she should just hold onto me and i'd be okay, i get very embarrassed, but minji makes me feel safe and sound, even more when she holds tighter onto me, why did i tell minji that anyway?

although, i can't deny that it does feel good, it feels good to be able to cuddle with your best friend. it feels good to have minji by my side and even closer than we were before i died, that's what i've felt, but i have to ruin all of this sooner or later, i can't just ignore what i'm here for.

even thinking about it makes me want to cry, in fact, i'm already tearing up, shit hanni.
don't cry, you'll get through it, we'll get through it together with minji and the girls, hopefully. "hanni, are you okay? don't cry, han", minji asks me, fuck it, of course she'd notice.

i quickly wipe away my tears, pulling minji closer to me as the tears just won't stop. "minji, save me",i whimper out, i can't do it on my own. i need minji in my life, that stupid quest really has to ruin everything, doesn't it? i just want minji, my minji.

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