chapter three: interest

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minji pov:

while english class begins, in which i easily get an a, i decide to just keep scribbling in my notebook, not paying attention to anything in this classroom, feeling at peace, until i got disrupted by a light nudge on my arm.

"minji? ms park told us to get into pairs for a project, she said to pair with our seatmates",hanni explains (for visualization: minji and co are sitting in the second row of their home room, minji and hanni at the desk next to a window, dani and haerin sharing and hyein next to another classmate), "so.. the project is about writing an essay about what the pros and cons of a student exchange are, we have to find three arguments together and that's one grade, then we have to write an essay each and that's also one grade, so we get a group grade and an individual grade!", the new girl continues, feeling thankful for her since, i admit, didn't listen to a word that ms park said.

i nod, sending her a thankful look, to which hanni lets out an adorable giggle, she's so cute. "so..minji, what were you scribbling down on your notebook? you seemed pretty distracted and thoughtful..", hanni asks me curiously, pointing her head towards my notebook.

"oh uhm.. just some random things to pass time, i don't really pay attention to english class since i usually get an a here", i reply, scratching the back of my neck nervously as hanni gazes at me with curious eyes.

"hmmm, makes sense, the doodles look pretty!", hanni exclaims, her eyes full of stars now. as hanni keeps adoring my doodles, i mistakenly take a glance at her full lips, mistake one. "really? thank you, hanni! you can have them..if you want!", i answer, beginning to rip off the page from my notebook, sliding the page to her side of our desk as i watch her hang her mouth open.

as hanni takes my doodle page, her eyes still giving a hint of confusion, she smiles brightly at me, damn i've never seen a smile that pretty, not once in my life. "thank you min..oh sorry, can i call you that?", hanni adorably apologises, shooting an apologetic look at me.

"sure you can call me that, i don't mind at all! it's cute.. also no need to thank me", i reply as coolly as i can, trying to hide the fact that i'm getting red, as so is she, mistake two.

*bell ringing*

"okay class, you're dismissed!", our teacher chimes in, everyone getting up to go on with the remaining school day. "hanni, what class do you have now?", i ask her after we've both packed our things into our backpacks. "i think i have maths now..", hanni replies, a pout forming on her lips, cute. "oh! you share a class with me and haerin here then! i'm dani!!", danielle casually joins our conversation, her arm clinging onto haerin's waist.

"ah right, hanni this is dani, dani this is hanni, next to dani is haerin and then we have our youngest, hyein, they've been my best friends since we were 5 or so", i introduce them to each other, pointing at each of them as they smile invitingly at the shorter girl.

"it's nice to meet you all! you guys seem so nice", hanni answers, smiling prettily as we begin walking out of our homeroom, my friends returning what hanni just said.

as we walked hanni, dani and haerin to their maths class, i decided to invite hanni to sit at our table in the cafeteria, which she happily accepted. i felt proud of myself, she's now a part of us.

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