Chapter 15

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Taehyung pov

I was sending at the altar as my beautiful wife to be walked down the aisle. I held back my tears. This was not the time to be s baby. I was a soon to be married man. A grown married man.

The garden was beautiful with flowers. But my girl was the most beautiful flower. She was a rare flower that only I owned.

My heart was beating faster. Drina stood there as my best women. She really became my best friend.

Jimin was Nikki her man of honor. They had a big friendship too. I was happy she got along with everyone.

Everytime at military I waited patiently for this day.

I wasn't done with the military but I just couldn't wait anymore.

She was gorgeous. The way she looked at me was special.

I couldn't believe she was mine. Taegguk was officially becoming my step son.

I loved him like my own. That kid was very special to me.

A thousand years was playing.

We kept going back in forth to pick our wedding song.

The lyrics to this one matched how we felt.

I shed a tear as she walked closer to me.

Eventhough we were living like a family since the first month. I knew things were getting extra serious now.

She arrived at the altar and I kissed her. Drina laughed.

The priest shook his head "Its not time for that yet "

He smiled "We are gatherd here together to witness somthing beautiful "

I was getting emotional. It was time for our vows.

"Nikki, our love really kept on growing. You are the best person I know, so special,beautiful,a great mother to taegguk and yeontan,thank you for giving my life more meaning,showing me what love is and teaching me how to love "

Nikki smiled "from a fan to aquintance to friend to boyfriend to fiance to husband,sometimes the long way is what it should take for love, you showed me how to be patient, calm, how to be confident, I love you tae,You are my everything V "

The priest smiled "and now you may kiss the bride "

We kissed and everyone cheared. I put my arms around her "mine "

She nodded and looked at my lips " yours "

We did our walk to the car. On our way to our house cause I wanted yeontan to br part of everything.

We were having a mini get together. Since I had to go back to military.

Even our honeymoon was postponed. Tonight I was just spending with her in a hotel.

We arrived at our home. Jimin and Drina made sure we arrived on time.

Yeontan barked as he knew something special happened.

He was sad that we didn't play with him.   "Hold on tan, let us change first "

Drina lead Nilki to a different room to change.

I went in our room and noticed clothes were already put for me.

Jimin and Drina really did an amazing job.

I changed really quick. My boy needed me.

I ran out of the room to hug yeontan. Nikki was taking a little longer.

You know,women stuff. She didn't even need everything extra.

She was beautiful the first second she opened her eyes when waking up.

Then she finally returned. I kissed her cheek.

She then cuddled yeontan too. Jin took a microphone

" nikki, taeyhung congratulations, I wish you two the best,you are perfect together "

He raised his glass "here is to the couple that actually gave us a wedding "

He laughed looking at Drina. Namjoon pulled her closer " actually, we are busy planning but the wedding will be after I'm done with military "

Drina looked at Namjoon as the proudest wife. Yes everyone was hurt they eloped but their happiness was most important.

We started to eat. I looked at Nikki "when I'm done with military we are doing a big anniversery party and honeymoon "

She looked at me "I mostly care about being your wife,being yours "

We then left to our honeymoon. Jimin and Drina were still on driving duty.

Nikki had no idea what  I had planned.

The car stopped after 15 minues. It was a resort that had just opened.

It was beautiful. "Wow I love this " Tae pulled mr closer "I love you "

Jimin and Drina helped us with our bags. I was going back to military in days.

Luckily They had suga,j jope and Jin back. I missed them when they. I enjoyed doing my duty but I missed Nikki and my friends all the time.

We went inside. NIkki and I looked at each other and shouted "jaquzzi "

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