Chapter 10

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Nikki pov

Drina walked to me 'hey, I just came to tell you, me and tae broke up "

She really didn't beat around the bush.

It was all making sense. I didn't know if I had to be happy or upset. Tae was obviously sad.

" I see the way he is looking at you " snap she hated me

" but it's okay, please treat him better than I did "

My jaw dropped" so she wasn't angry "

She looked at Namjoon" I myself have fallen for someone else "

I was right about it. She loved RM.

I hugged her" thank you, go to Rm waste no more time "

She nodded and rushed to him. I went to tae.

" I heard about you and Drina " He sighed" word gets around fast "

I bit my lip" I don't mean to hurt you more but there is obviously something going on between us, something I'm not ready to explore please give it time, I need space, let's take it slow "

He smiled small but seemed upset yet relieved at the same time

" it might be too soon to jump in another relationship but with you I want to give it a shot "

I sighed" I have to put my son first "

Tae nodded" I promise, I'm putting you and taegguk first "

He was making this hard on me" I'll think about it "

I kissed his cheek" for now, let's just keep it this way "

He seemed upset. But what did he think?

He just got out of a relationship or whatever it was.

I still had to process everything. I went home.

I had a baby sitter looking after tae. I payed her and she left.

I held him in my arms. He was the meaning of perfection.

I kissed him softly without waking him up "I love you"

I whispered. I thought about taeyhung. I really fell for him but I didn't know him too well.

How could I be sure that he wouldn't leave Tae and I.

"I hope you got home save, Take as long as you need to think about it, just don't keep me hanging on, good night"

I smiled. He was obviously the sweetest.

The next morning I got up. I remembered it was Jungkook his birthday.

I texted him "happy birthday"

"oh thanks you remembered" I laughed. I was their biggest fan. Obviously I remember his birthday.

"are you going to come over?" He then send when I wasn't responding.

I thought for a while . Taehyung was going to be there.

I then got a call from the man who mattered the most to me.

He wanted to ask me out.

I didn't hesitate to accept. He told me to bring my son.

My heart was racing. He really wanted our first date to be wirh my son.

We were going to a patk. So I didn't have to dress so fancy.

I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Im taeyhung was into me.

What more could I ask for?

I walked with teayhung and taegguk in the park.

Taegguk was eating ice cream. Taeyhung and I were eating corn dogs.

"I'm so happy you accepted, I was so nervouse, Don't worry,I don't mind taking it slow "

He had so much respect for me. I loved the way he cared and his patience.

"Thank you for understanding, my don means more to me than life, but

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