Chapter 14

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Nikki pov

I never knew Paris was this beautiful. I enjoyed every moment.

I was happy taehyung took me on this trip. Last night was Amazing. Every inch of him.

I liked how respectful he was. We had been together for just a week

Normally I would think it was soon. I had been crushing on him for years. This crush turned deeper when I got to know him.

I had no intentions to wait. I wanted him just as much as he wanted me.

Today he was taking me to Versailles. Louvre was also on the list but I was not into museums. That was for Drina and Namjoon.

I could already see them discussing Mona lisa.

I looked at Versailles. I was happy there was no stairs.

It gave me a whole bridgerton vibe. So beautiful the balroom.

I took pictures of everything. He then lead me to the garden. Literally the most beautiful garden I had ever seen.

"so beautiful" He nodded and took my pictures.

I felt like a model. Paris was beautiful. It wasn't as I expected it.

But I really couldn't wait to go to Disney land.

Taeyhung promised me and I couldn't be more happy.

They started playing music and Taeyhung asked me to dance.

I accepted. He was such an old soul. I loved it. My heart was beating faster.

I could not discribe my happiness. He spun me around.

This was a fairy tale to me. I felt like a princess.

The next morning we went to Disney land. It was our last day there.

We wear leaving early the next morning.

The train ride was almost 45 minutes. I was so excited.

The line was long to get inside but I was very patient.

Taeyhung bought our tickets online so we saved time skipping that line.

I was nervous and excited at the same time.

I felt like a kid again. I wished my boy was here. I missed him so much. I couldn't wait to go home.

We were finally inside and I couldn't wait to go in the rides.

I saw mini mouse and took a photo with her.

Taeyhung really laughed at my craziness.

He acted like a little kid too. Maybe it was a good idea that Taegguk wasn't here. Two kids wouldn't be able to watch him.

The lines to the rides were long to. We just chose 3 random lines. And went in them.

They were pretty scary. Taeyhung and I screamed our brains out.

This was the best part of France. When we got out of our third ride we went to grab a burger. I was hungry and I could use that rest.

We drank coke too. Coke was my favorite.

We then chose two more rides before we just started to walk around the park.

I saw all my favorite Disney characters.

The little mermaid, snow white, cruela.

I was happy I got a chance to do it. I was really great full to taehyung. He meant everything to me.

I owed him so much.

Before we went back to the eiffel tower. He took me to diner.

He explained that he hoped I would wear the dress we got at celine but since I wanted Disney land. He changed plans.

I felt a little guilty but he didn't mind. He said this trip was about me and only me.

We shared a seafood bowl. I made sure It was not spicey.

We were on our way back. I was sad but at the same time relieved. I missed my son.

I couldn't stand a day longer without him. Taehyung also missed yeontan. He was very used to him. I was getting used to him myself. I loved animals.

Yeontan was special. I looked at taehyung. He was asleep. His heard rested on my shoulder.

I loved watching him sleep. He also slept on the plain. He really seemed tired.

We went to pick up taegguk. I cried when I saw him. I was never going to leave him this long again. I hugged my little boy. I thanked Seo for watching him but he said it was nothing. He was taegguk his father and loved watching him and spending time with him.

I took him on my lap. Taeyhung drove to Namjoon his place to get Yeontan. He also cried when he saw his boy.

Yeontan barked as if he complained he was left alone too long.

Taeyhung and I were both cry babies. We cried over every silly and stupid thing.

Drina held taegguk in her arms. He was really getting used to her but he also called her Jenna.

"next time, I'm babysitting him too, not just yeontan"

I shook my head "no way, i'm not leaving him alone again, I'd miss him too much"

Drina laughed "that would make sense"

I was so happy she and Namjoon got together.

They really belonged together.

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