Chapter 3

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Taehyung pov

I sat with drina outside. She was going to interview me about yeontan. I loved it that she chose me for the interview.

I was starting at her. I couldn't stop staring at her.

I loved her smile.

"so what do you like doing with him" I was distracted.

"I'm sorry what?" She seemed a little annoyed but she didn't show it.

"can we please do this interview? We can do something fun after"

I laughed "can I just stare at you now, then we do the interview later?"

She frowned "Tae, please?"

I felt tears coming. I made her angry. She was almost as scary as RM.

"I love to do anything with My dog, he really is my best friend, we play together, eat together"

I shed a tear. She nodded and looked up "wait are you crying?"

I sighed "I'm sorry, I'm sensitive" She laughed a little but I could tell she wasn't pleased.

"I'll send you the question, then you can just email them to me"

I pouted "are you angry with me"

She shook her head " no, it's okay, I'm just hungry" she took a sip of hrt lemonade "

I smiled "let's eat ramen" she then almost chocked on lenonade.

My eyes were wide. I did not mean that.

She blushed and I matched her energy "sorry that's not what I meant, I mean literally Ramen"

She nodded and laughed "that be fine"  I boiled water to get some kimchi ready.

Tan barked at me. He was right. It was playtime.

I kneeled beside him "hey son, I'm busy at the moment, I promise we'll play after"

He seemed sad. Drina came to me "bad father"

She played with tan sitting on the floor. Shr really was perfect to me.

She was so simple. Most girls would expect me to buy dinner. She was okay with ramen.

We went to eat. YeonTan wass content. Even he approved her.

I wanted to ask her out. Like really spend time with her. I was nervous.

I was sure I wanted to build something up with her. She gave me good signals.

Who knows maybe I was reading them wrong.

I wanted to date her with marriage on our mind.

I called Jimin

"hey loverboy" he said laughing. Jimin knew I was in love.

Maybe not in love but I really did like her.

"I need some advice" I'm sure he already knew but I just wanted to be clear.

"I want to ask Drina out"

"then just ask her out" Jimin shouted. He was always so extra.

"but how?" I was desperate. He laughed "use your shy boy charms, call her"

I had no idea what to do. I was nervous.

"just take her home, she is already used to your place, cook for her, be a dork"

Jimin was always making fun of me. "please keep this between us, for now?"

Jimin agreed with me that that the others shouldn't know yet.

I hung up and went to take a shower before going to bed. Tomorrow was a big day.

I was going to ask my crush out. Why was I so nervous.

I knew I couldn't handle rejection. I went to bed and decided to go on weverse real quick.

I could just go on, say nothing and my army was already content.

That's when I saw it. Even Drina came to watch.

How did she know I was on? Did she have her notifications on? Or was it because Jin was her brother.

She commented hearts. I blushed. I wanted respond but I didn't want the rest of the army to feel left out.

My night ended good. I was confident now that she would accept if I asked her out on a date.

Jimin was right if I invited her to my place.

I took yeontan on my bed to play with him.

He pouted at me. "yeah I miss her too"

He then barked "I'm not going to call her now, she just left"

Yeontan jumped from the bed running away.

Yeah I spoke dog language.

I took my guitar instead. I played a simple melody.

I wanted to work on my own music too.

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