Chapter Six: Competition of the Ninja

Start from the beginning

Makenna landed on her bum, and the second she landed, her wings stopped flapping.

For a bit, she sat there, frozen, but then, all of a sudden, she had this tiny pinch of excitement in her, and she peered back to her wings again, saying, "Wow." Then she shook her head, "No!" and jumped to her feet, "I'm not a fairy! That was just a trick of the wind! It was not my wings!"

"You're wrong, miss!" a sudden, young, male voice said from out of nowhere, "That was definitely your wings. And if you don't mind me saying, miss, your ignorance is showing, because obviously you have no clue that you're a real fairy now."

"Who said that?!" Makenna shouted, "How dare you call me ignorant!" She rapidly searched the area, "Where are you?! Who are you?!"

"I don't have to tell you who I am," said the voice, "You're the one who should be telling me who you are."

Continuing to search the area, Makenna clenched her fist and said, "I'm Makenna Delling, and I need to get back to Seabrook Island!"

"Oohh," said the voice, "so you're Makenna Delling. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." It sounded like the mysterious voice was coming from up above. Gulping, young Makenna peered up to a tree, and she gasped when she saw that hanging out one of the tree's branches, with his hand on his hip and smiling, was Tracey, Merlin's young apprentice! "I'm Tracey," he said, "Merlin's apprentice, and I must admit that I am honored to finally meet you face to face, Miss Makenna Delling."

"What in the name of?!" Makenna asked in a shocked voice, "How did you get up there, kid?!"

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Tracey. He closed his eyes, "I flew up here," and opened them again, "Like you, I can fly. Hyah!" Suddenly, he turned into nothing but a green blur and leaped from the tree, landing next to Makenna Delling. She gasped and turned to him. Waving, Tracey nervously said, "Hi."

Makenna glared.

"What are you supposed to be, Ninja Boy?" she asked the teenage fairy, "An ogre?"

Tracey narrowed his eyebrows to an angry position and said, "I'm a fairy, and my name is Tracey!"

Makenna held up her hands and shook her shoulders, saying, "Excuse me," in a sarcastic tone.

"And who are you?" asked Tracey, although he listened earlier, "What are you doing here on Merlin's Island?"

Again, Makenna clenched her fist, and she said, "My name is Makenna Delling, Ninja Boy, and I don't have time for your ridiculous fairy tales! There is no such thing as Merlin's Island!"

Tracey crossed his arms and said in a calm voice, "Well, that's more your problem than mine, right?"

"Amateur!" Makenna shouted, "Get out of my sight! I don't need any so-called fairies like you bothering me!"

"I'm not leaving," he said, "not until I get a 'thank you' for saving you from drowning."

"What?" Makenna asked amazed, "You're the one who saved me and brought me here?"

"I am." Tracey seriously said, "And I would like a 'thank you.'"

"Fine." Makenna growled, "Thank you."

Tracey glared. "Politely," he calmly said, "I think you're the amateur here, Makenna."

"Who do you think you are?!" Makenna asked.

"I'm Merlin's apprentice, and I am to take you to the great wizard."

"You're disgusting!" Makenna shouted, "Merlin's not real! So long, Ninja Boy! I'm going home!" She turned on her heel and marched past Tracey, but he grabbed her wrist and stopped her. Makenna turned and glared.

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