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Phil's POV

"Tino! Aaron!" I yelled, catching up to them. They stopped, letting me lean over and catch my breath.

"Did you get Alan and Austin?" Aaron asked. I ignored him and continued to pant. It took me a minute but I managed to eventually catch my breath.

"Dude, you look like you've seen a ghost." Tino said.

"No, something even weirder." I said, trying to erase the image from my brain.

"What was it? It couldn't have been that bad." Aaron chuckled. I stared at him. The two of them gave me questioning looks.

"Okay. When I went on the bus to go get Austin and Alan..." I trailed off.

"Philip! Finish!" Tino yelled at me.

"Fine. They uh... were uh... a little busy when I walked in." Wow, I picked the wrong words to use there. Nice going, Phil.

"Uh... explain? That sounds wrong." Tino had a completely straight face. I nodded "Just what you're thinking..."

"Ah! The images! Agh! Get out!" Aaron started screaming and running in circles. Tino looked disgusted and yes, I was a little disturbed. But not that much.

They calmed down after a few moments, coming back to reality.

"Everything alright now?" They both nodded slowly.

"I just can't believe..." Aaron started.

"And on the bus..." Tino finished, shivering.

"Wait, what?" I asked. What the hell were they thinking?

"What? You said they were, y'know... fucking on the bus." Tino said. I stared at him for a minute.

"Where the hell did you get that from?" I screamed at him.

"You said that they 'were a little busy'." Aaron said.

"No, they were kissing. I'm done with you two." I sighed.

"Should we like, talk to them about it?" Aaron asked.

"Talk to who about what?" The three of us turned around, facing Alan. Oh, shit.

Tino, Aaron and I shared looks, trying to figure out what to say next.

"Can we uh... talk to you on the bus?" I finally asked after what felt like forever of him staring at us.

"About what?"

"J-just go on the bus."

Alan's POV

"So guys, what's up?" I asked, rubbing my palms across the thighs of my black skinny jeans. I felt nervous, and not sure why.

"We need to talk to you about something." Oh god, if this is what I think it's about...

"Did you kiss Austin?" Aaron asked, the three of them staring down at me.

"I...uh...uh..." My cheeks flushed, and I instant;y felt uncomfortable.

"Alan, really. Tell us. We're just wondering." Tino said.

Why did they care? What if I did! I mean I know we didn't, but even if we did it's none of their business! I couldn't get words to come out of my mouth. I froze, staring up at them. My mouth was opened but still nothing would come out. Work mouth, work!

"It did that earlier." Tino winked, causing the other two to laugh. What are they talking about.

"Alan, you just told your mouth to work." Aaron laughed. I mentally face palmed myself. That's what my mouth decides to say? Seriously?

"There's nothing wrong with being gay, you know." They crowded around, overwhelming. I felt trapped. My eyes darted back and forth, looking for some sort of escape. They kept hounding me with questions, I tried to tune them out. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"What's going on in here?" I looked up, seeing Austin stand over all of us. I jumped up, latching myself onto him. Thank God.

"Thank you." I mumbled into his chest as he returned the bone-crushing hug I was giving him. It went silent, I could tell Austin was looking to the rest of the guys. I closed my eyes, holding onto him still. I heard the faint sound on a door closing before Austin rocked us back and forth.

"You okay?" he asked. I shook my head.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I can't tell you."

"Okay, do you want me to stay with you? We can go in the back lounge and play a Xbox or something?" he suggested. I nodded my head. I felt so, so little currently. I don't know why. Austin made me feel... safe.

Austin sat down on the couch, me sitting down next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I curled into his side, burying my face. He put a blanket over us, and began humming.

"Don't leave me, Austin." I pleaded, my voice sounding small.

"I won't Alan, I'm right here."

Why Do I Deny...? (Austlan Cashby)Where stories live. Discover now