Chapter 40- No One

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When my eyes flutter open, I gasp when I see a woman standing over me.

"Hey there, sweetie," she smiles at me. "Don't mind me, I'm just checking your vitals."

For a few seconds, I can't respond. My eyes move rapidly around the room, trying to figure out where I am. It doesn't take long, of course, to realize I'm in the hospital. The same one I was in not that long ago.

But I have no idea what happened for me to end up here... again...

I want to ask, but my throat is too dry to speak.

As if the woman can read my mind, she looks at me and raises a brow. "You could probably use a glass of water, huh?"

I nod.

She smiles, tossing her bright red hair over her shoulder and standing up straight. "I'll be happy to take care of that for you. I'll be right back, okay?"

I nod again.

After she leaves, I take some time to think. What is the last thing I remember?

My grandma's funeral....

I look down at my body and notice my right shoulder is heavily bandaged. Was I in an accident? And if I was, why can't I remember it?

I intend to ask the nurse once she comes back with my water. I have a bad feeling whatever happened has something to do with Tyler. I managed to make it twenty two years without so much as a broken bone, but then I met him and suddenly, I'm a regular at this hospital.

I'm in no condition to make assumptions. I can't upset myself when I don't even remember anything. I'll just have to ask questions once I'm able to speak.

After only a couple of minutes, the red haired nurse returns with my water. She pulls the bed tray over to me and sets the small plastic cup down.

I quickly pick it up and take a sip. I feel the water slide down my throat, relieving the terrible dryness. I sigh in relief. "Thank you," I croak out.

"No problem. Can I get you anything else?" she asks.

"No, but...I was wondering...what happened to me?"

"I'm sure you'll be hearing all about it soon enough, since it's been on the news for the past two days; there was a shooting in Conti Street and you got caught in the crossfire. The bullet lodged into your shoulder and required surgery to remove it, but other than that, you can consider yourself lucky."

"A shooting? Was anyone else hurt?" I ask, my heart suddenly pounding.

"There was only one death and you were the only one who was injured," she replies.

"One death?" I ask, my voice laced with dread. "Was it...a guy?"

"No, it was a girl. I'm sure the police will be filling you in soon. They've been waiting for you to wake up so they can talk to you about it."

"Do you know her name?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember. She wasn't from around here though. Maybe Colorado?"


Maybe it was just a random bystander, but if she was from Colorado, maybe she knew Tyler? Or maybe his family?

"There's a handsome young man that's been waiting for you to wake up as well," she smirks at me.

"You must mean Tyler," I chuckle tiredly. "Everyone thinks he's handsome."

She smiles at me and for a second, I catch a glimpse of my mother. I knew she had red hair, but this woman not only has the hair, she has the eyes too; big green eyes with long lashes. She's stunning.

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