Chapter 12- Run Away

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When Aspen and I walk into Grandma's room, she grins ear to ear, clasping her hands together and letting out a giddy laugh. "You must be Aspen."

"Yes ma'am," he smiles, extending his hand to shake hers.

He's quite surprised when she pulls him down for a hug instead. "I've heard so much about you."

Aspen gives me a look, his cheeks blushing. "Really?"

"To hear her talk, you hung the moon!" she laughs.

"Okay grandma," I smile nervously.

"That's funny, I feel the same way about her," he chuckles, looking to me. "She's been a really good friend since we've met each other."

"So I've heard. She tells me you've asked her to be your date to a big formal tonight."

He clears his throat, adjusting the collar of his t-shirt. "Yes ma'am. If that's okay with you, of course. If she's needed here, I will completely understand."

"As long as you watch out for her and keep her safe, I'm happy to see my Sessy have some fun. She deserves it," Grandma says, squeezing my hand.

"I couldn't agree more," Aspen says. "I promise to keep her safe and make sure she has a good time."

"Don't forget to send me pictures. You know I love it when you get all dressed up," grandma says, looking up at me with loving eyes, smiling brightly.

"I'll get some pictures for you, don't worry," I chuckle.

"So what time is this dance?" Grandma asks.

Aspen looks down at his watch. " about two hours."

"What?!" I gasp. "It's already six?!"

"Almost," he shrugs.

"Then you better get out of here and start getting ready!" Grandma tells me. "Don't worry about me, I'll be just fine. I'll be looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow."

"Are you sure you'll be okay? I don't mind staying here if-"

"Go on! Get! You need to be getting ready!" Grandma says, shooing me out of the room. "You two have a fun time, and don't forget my pictures!"

After we leave the hospital, I drive Aspen and I back to our apartment building. I've got less than two hours to get ready, when I was so sure that even six hours wouldn't have been enough. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my hair with so little time, so I'm not setting my expectations too high. With all that's happened lately, it's a miracle I'm even going. These people are going to get whatever version of Cecily they get.

"I guess I'll see you soon," Aspen says as he walks me to my door.

"See you soon," I smirk at him before going inside.

I gasp when I walk through the door and see Lizzy and Mary sitting in the living room together.

"Hey Sess! I know we're crunched for time, so I'm going to do your makeup while Mary does your hair," Lizzy says excitedly, already decked out in her full hair and makeup for the formal.

She looks so good, I'm almost speechless. Her red hair looks full and frames her face perfectly. Mary isn't dressed for the formal, but she's smiling, and considering what I know about her, that's a good thing.

"So you can do hair?" I ask Mary when Lizzy takes my hand and drags me behind her.

"Actually, yes. My mom was is a stylist. I grew up watching her and learned a thing or two myself," Mary answers.

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