Chapter 29- Two Minutes

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It's been six days since I last heard from Tyler. I at least know he's alive, and while that does make me feel a lot better, I can't stop wondering how he ended up in jail.

It's been the only thing on my mind lately.

I'm sure it has something to do with his siblings. I only hope it isn't something serious. I don't want to think of the possibility of him having to spend a lengthy amount of time behind bars.

All this has made my start at John Hopkins a bit shaky. I've been late for classes, I'm struggling to focus on my assignments, I'm already behind on two projects, and I'm only one week into my first semester.

There's also the whole deal of sharing a one bedroom apartment with my grandmother, who I feel doesn't really want to be here as much as she leads me to believe she does.

I don't blame her. It's dull and boring here; a totally different world from Louisiana. I catch her tearing up from time to time when we talk about home, especially when it comes to selling her home. We haven't yet- haven't even gotten an offer. I assumed it would be hard to sell because of the neighborhood. And maybe that's a good thing. When she finally gets to return home to Slidell, she could possibly still have a home to go back to.

What's the point in selling it now anyway? She's here with me for God knows how long.

I've just started catching up on some work when there's a knock at the front door. Since grandma is napping, I get up to answer it.

I open the door and I stare up at the guy in front of me, sort of getting a feeling of Dejavu.

"Can I help you?" I ask him when he just keeps staring at me.

He's Asian, so I guess it's possible he doesn't speak English.

"Are you in trouble?" I ask.

"Trouble? No, no," he chuckles. "Nothing like that. I'm sorry, my name is Mark. And while I'm sure you were probably just questioning my English speaking abilities, I assure you I'm fluent. I'm just socially awkward."

I laugh. "No worries, I am too. Did you need something?"

"I did, but then I couldn't remember for the life of me how to pronounce your name."

"I get that a lot. It's pronounced sess-ily," I clarify.

"Ah, thank you. Then...Cecily, my name is Mark."

"I know. You just told me that," I smirk.

"Right," he chuckles nervously. "Sorry. So, um...the reason I stopped by is because...well, I live just down the hall from you and...we also have Professor Wheat's class together. I heard him giving you a hard time today and I wanted to offer my help. I'm sure you've heard the stereotypes about Asians, right?"

"You're all super smart?" I ask.

He grins. "I take pride in my studies. So if you're in need of help, I've got some extra time. I'll be happy to help you catch up."

"That's really sweet of you, but I don't have the money for a tutor right now, though I could probably use one. I am a bit behind."

"Oh, there's no charge," he says quickly.

"Surely you want something in return."

"Only your friendship. I have a hard time making friends and you seem...really nice," he shrugs. "Don't you live here with your grandmother?"

"How did you know that?" I ask, raising a brow.

"Like I said, I live down the hall. I've seen her around. She's even spoken to me a few times."

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