Chapter 8- I'll Be There

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"I want to tell you what it is, more than anything. But if I do, you'll never speak to me again," Aspen says, keeping his eyes intently focused on the sky.

I look up at him, furrowing my brows.

After a few moments of hesitation, he looks down at me, his green eyes softening. "I don't want to scare you away. You're the only beauty in my ugly life."

I can see the storm raging in his eyes. Something is tormenting him, tearing him to pieces. I've noticed it from the start, and over time, I put more and more of his story together. Whatever his secret is, it must not be an easy thing to live with.

I pull him into my arms and hug him tight. "I'm not going anywhere," I whisper.

His grip on me tightens, as if he's silently thanking me. For a while, we just stand there, letting the world buzz around us, unnoticed.

"My real name is Tyler Battle," he whispers after a while, but he doesn't move, he just keeps holding onto me as if I'm his lifeline. "My friends call me Aspen because that's where I was born and because...I can be cold."

"Cold?" I ask, pulling away and meeting his eyes. "You?"

He smiles softly. "I said I can be."

"You're one of the nicest people I've ever met. Forgive me if I find it hard to believe that you could be cold."

He looks genuinely surprised that I would say that. "Really? You really think that?"

I nod. "Of course. I mean, I've only known you for a few weeks, but in that time, I've never known you to be anything other than amazing. Not only are you nice, but you're funny, you're charming, you're smart and you have the biggest heart. No matter what happened in your past, you still have a bright future."

He drops his arms to his side and takes a step back, hanging his head.

Did I say something wrong?

Before I can speak, Aspen chuckles to himself, looking back up at me. "If only the world could see me through your eyes."

I'm not exactly sure what he means by that, but he doesn't explain and he doesn't give me time to ask questions. He takes my hand and starts walking toward the other side of the bridge.

"Do you want to go on a little adventure?" he asks, looking over at me.

I've never been the adventurous type, though I wish I was. And Aspen has been acting so strange; should I be letting him lead me off like this? What if my desire to see the good in people has made me blind to the signs? What if Aspen isn't who I think he is?

As if he can sense my sudden hesitation, he stops and takes my other hand into his. "Look, I know you're probably freaked out now, and you probably have a lot questions. I just want to take you somewhere. If you don't want to go, I'll take you home. I won't make you do anything you don't want to do."

"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"It's a surprise. But it's not too far and it's not dangerous. Well, not if you're careful."

He studies my eyes, practically begging me to say I'll go with him. The rational side of me is saying go home, but the empathic side of me senses Aspen's despair and refuses to let him go without doing everything I can to help him.

"Okay, let's go," I whisper.

He blows out a breath, smiling nervously. "Okay.'s kind of a long walk from here, maybe a mile or so. Do you want me to drive?"

"I don't mind walking," I shrug. "It's nice out this evening."

"Then let's go," he smiles, taking my hand again.

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