Chapter 27- Anything for You

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When I pull up to the spot Sessy told me to meet her, she's not standing there waiting for me like I thought she would be. I get out of the car and look around, hoping maybe she's somewhere nearby. But then I realize her car is gone.

I take out my phone to call her, but before I get the chance, a young blonde woman carrying a baby walks up to me.

"Looking for someone?" she asks.

" girlfriend," I reply uncomfortably. The way this woman is looking at makes me feel uneasy, like she's up to something.

"Cecily?" she asks, even pronouncing her name correctly.

"Do you know her?" I ask in surprise.

"No, not really. But I saw her leave a few minutes ago. She was pretty upset," she answers.

"Upset?" I repeat.

She smirks at me. "You are really gonna stand here and pretend like you don't know me, aren't you."

"Know you? I've never seen you before in my life."

"Oh really? So you don't remember hooking up with me two years ago? When you were in Colorado?" she asks with a bit of venom to her voice.

"You must have me confused with someone else. I wasn't in Colorado two years ago, I was in Texas. And I've never hooked up with you; I don't even know you."

"Are those lies that you tell yourself to live with the things you've done?" she asks, getting louder and causing her baby to cry. "Look at him! He looks exactly like you!"

I furrow my brows, not even sure what to say. This baby doesn't look a thing like me and for good reason. He's not my baby and I don't know who this crazy woman is.

But she knows Cecily's name, and Cecily left here upset...

"I don't know who you are or what you want from me, but I have never seen you before," I say as calmly as possible.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Stop bullshitting me, Tyler! I'm not an idiot!"

"I'm not saying you are, I'm just telling you that I don't know you, and what you're accusing me of is impossible."

"Impossible? So you don't remember the night we spent together in Denver? The Highland Hotel?"

The Highland Hotel...

One of my father's hotels...

Something is fishy here.

"I have never once set foot in the Highland Hotel, nor was I in Denver two years ago. I was a student at Texas Tech and I was living in Lubbock. Now, you can believe me or not; whether you do or don't makes no difference to me. I don't know how you know me or Cecily, but if you come around either of us again, I promise it will be the last time you ever do."

She opens her mouth to speak, but I won't give her a chance to spew more lies.

"You can tell Annie and Abe that I didn't fall for their bullshit," I snap, losing what little patience I have. "And for their sake, I hope Cecily didn't either."

With that, I get back in my car while she kicks and beats on the hood with her fist, her baby screaming and drawing a crowd.

After I drive away, I take out my phone to call Sessy. I have no idea how to explain what happened tonight, since I don't even know myself what happened.

She doesn't answer, of course, and I didn't expect her to. Who knows what she's thinking right now? I told her she's the only woman I've ever been with and then a random stranger shows up with a baby, claiming I'm the father.

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