Chapter 23- Amazingly Perfect Boyfriend

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My eyes flutter open when I hear a knock at the front door. I sit up and look around, smiling when I see Tyler sleeping next to me.

I've never shared a bed with anyone but my grandma or Lizzy in all my life. I didn't know if I'd want someone invading my personal space during my sacred sleep hours. That's my me time. I look forward to crawling into bed each night, cranking up some lowfi music to drown out the noise of Bourbon Street, reading a few pages of a good book and crashing long before midnight.

But having Tyler next to me...

It feels safe, secure. Right.

I just hope he doesn't change his mind about me now. If he does, it'll break my heart. I've never had to deal with a broken heart because of a relationship, but judging by the experiences of others who have been though it, it seems like a place I don't want to go.

I get up out of bed and hurry to the bathroom. After I pee, I wash up, brush my teeth and try to tame my wild hair.

When I walk back into my bedroom, Aspen is sitting up in bed, checking his phone. He looks up and smiles when he notices me.

"Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?" he asks.

"Like a baby," I reply, getting back into bed next to him.

He sets his phone down on the night stand and pulls me into his arms, kissing the side of my head. "Me too. It was the best sleep I've had in years."

I smile to myself. It makes me happy to hear him say that, like I'm the little bit of peace in his life that allows him to rest.

"So what time do you want to start getting this stuff packed up?" he asks.

I take a second to give it some thought. I don't really have to have all this stuff out until tomorrow. And grandma's sister is visiting for the weekend, so I'm in no hurry to get back to Slidell. Aunt Grace and I don't exactly see eye to eye on pretty much anything.

"We can do it later. I was thinking we could stop by Cafe Monday before we go. I never got to say a proper goodbye to Mr. Brewer."

"And who is that again?"

"My old boss," I smirk. "You've met him at least twice."

"Oh yeah. I'm not good with names," he chuckles.

"So...what are you gonna do once Drake moves out? Have you given it any thought?" I ask him.

It's something I've been wondering, but with all that's been going on lately, I'm only now just remembering to ask.

He hesitates a long while before sitting up and rubbing his hands over his face. He's still shirtless and his amazing physique is all I can focus on for a few seconds.

"I honestly don't know," he sighs. "I guess I need to find a job so I can start looking for a place."

"I'm meeting with Dr. Sturgis later today. Want me to ask her to give you some suggestions?"

He chews his lip while he appears deep in thought. He finally sighs, shaking his head. "Not just yet. I've got some things I'm working on. If it doesn't pan out, I'll talk to her."

"What are you working on?" I ask, sitting up and curling myself around him.

"Just some local things. Not really sure yet. Why are you meeting with Dr. Sturgis anyway?"

"She's helping me find work."

"Can you do me a favor?" he asks, turning to face me.

I nod.

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