Chapter 37- You and Me Against the World

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Even though I in no way want to meet this Amy, I agreed to let Tyler invite her to lunch. He claims she's some kind of Saint, but I can't help but be suspicious about her. I'm willing to meet her first and see what kind of impression she gives me. She is the reason the charges against Tyler were dropped, after all.

We decided to go back to Cafe Monday, just so I can check in on Mr. Brewer and see how things have been going for him since I left.

When he sees us take a seat out in the courtyard, he rushes over to our table.

"Sessy! It is so good to see you again!" he grins. "And...Aspen, right?"

"Yes sir," Tyler smiles.

Man, it's been a long time since I've heard someone call him by his nickname. I had almost forgotten all about it.

"I'm so sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know," Mr. Brewer frowns.

"Thank you," I reply, forcing the tears back that always come when someone mentions her.

"How is school going?" he asks.

"Um, pretty good. It's a lot harder than I expected it to be, but I'm hanging in there," I reply.

"Of course you are. You're such a brilliant girl," he smiles. "I'll have Manny make up an order of beignets for you, on the house."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," I tell him. "We don't mind paying."

"I won't take a dime for them," he says firmly. "I'm just glad I got to see you again."

"Me too," I chuckle. "And thank you."

After he leaves, Tyler smirks at me. "He and his new lady friend must be going strong. I don't think I've seen him this happy before."

"Yeah, me neither."

"Hey guys!"

I look up and furrow my brows when a cute blonde girl with striking green eyes walks over to our table. It doesn't take even a second for me to see the resemblance. She and Tyler are definitely related.

"Hey Amy!" Tyler says excitedly, standing and hugging her.

"This must be the amazing Sessy," she says, sitting next to me.

"Yep. Sessy, this is my sister, Amy," he introduces us.

"Hi Amy. Nice to meet you," I smile politely.

"You too! Gosh, I've heard so much about you, I feel like I've known you forever. Tyler can't stop talking about you," she winks at me.

I chuckle nervously.

"You know, I couldn't be happier that my little bro has someone in his life who cares about him. After hearing about what he's been through, you seem to be exactly what he needed," she says.

"He's a good person. I think everyone who has had the pleasure of meeting him will agree."

"Well, not everyone," she scoffs. "I'm sure you've heard all about Annie and Abe, right?"

"Of course she has," Tyler answers for me. "I tell Sessy everything."

"That may not be such a good idea," Amy says to him, making my heart drop.

"What do you mean? Do you...think they'll come after me?" I ask, swallowing back my nerves.

"It's possible, so you should be very careful. I can't imagine they are still sticking around New Orleans after what happened. You shouldn't worry, for now," Amy replies.

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