Chapter 30- Cheer You Up

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"There you are. I was starting to think you weren't coming," Mark says when I join him at the table at the back of the library.

"I'm so sorry. I was at a job interview and it went a little long," I apologize.

"No worries. How did the interview go?" he asks.

"It went well. I got the job."

"That's great!" he smiles. "So where will you be working?"

"It's this cute little boutique about a block away from my apartment called Sassy Season. The owner said she was in dire need of help and basically told me as long as I wasn't a criminal, she would hire me."

He laughs at that. "And I'm assuming you're not, right?"

"My record is clean," I reply. "I've never so much as stolen a packet of ketchup from a restaurant."

"So Sessy is a good girl," he smirks.

"Yeah, I try to be anyway," I chuckle.

We get started working on my overdue projects and before I know it, two hours have passed by. It's nice to talk and laugh with someone my own age after all I've been through in the past two weeks. Mark is a nice, funny guy once he lets go of the nerves.

But it's getting late and I'm really hoping to get a phone call from Tyler tonight.

"I think we've done enough for today," I tell him, packing my things back into my bag. "I need to be getting home."

"Oh, okay," he replies, watching me as if he wants to say something else.

When he doesn't, I stand up and sling my bag over my shoulder. "Thank you for your help, Mark. I really appreciate it. I can breathe easier knowing I'll be able to turn this in on Monday."

"I'm glad I could help," he says, standing and gathering his things. "What are you doing tomorrow?"


"Yeah. Tomorrow is Friday, so I didn't know if maybe you had plans or..."

"No, not really."

"Do you want to do something? I haven't done anything I'd consider fun since I moved here. It would be nice to get out and experience the night life in Baltimore."

I almost say no right away, but why? I want to make friends and memories here too. I can't just sit at home each night and expect that to happen.

I'm caught up on my assignments for now. And Mark is the reason for that.

"Okay, yeah. We can go do something. But I don't know that much about Baltimore. I wouldn't even know where the night life might be," I shrug.

"Neither do I, but hey, maybe we can figure it out together?"

"Sounds like fun," I smile. "Thanks again, Mark. I'll see you in class tomorrow."

"See you, Sessy," he waves as I'm walking away.

I hurry back to my apartment, anxious to tell grandma that I actually have plans. I've been so obsessed with what's going on with Tyler that I'm missing out on the last four years of my student life. After this, I'll get a real job and start planning for my future. It will be time to get serious and there will be very little time for fun.

When I get home, I'm surprised to see a brand new, plush, black leather sofa sitting in the living room. I walk over to it and sit down, laughing in relief when I feel just how comfy it is.

Grandma comes into the living room grinning ear to ear. "Do you like it?"

"Did you do this?" I ask her.

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