Chapter 20

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"It doesn't matter if I'm off the beat

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"It doesn't matter if I'm off the beat. It doesn't matter if I'm snapping to the rhythm. It doesn't matter if I look like a complete goon when I dance. It is my dance. It is my moment. It is mine. And dance I will. Try and stop me. You'll probably get kicked in the face" -
Dan Pearce,

Authors Note : We've finally hit 1k likes ! I know that's obviously very small in comparison to my other books but I'm still so grateful. I can't believe we're twenty chapters in and our main characters haven't even kissed yet lol . I hate slow burns but I've accidentally written one 🥲🥲. anyways enjoy ily💜💜


A furious looking Tyr stood in the middle of the room , his eyes almost black with fury and in his hand was the dismembered head of William .

His face was deathly pale , covered in dried blood and his eyes frozen in terror .

"No no no no" I gasped , my hands shaking as I covered my mouth , trying to keep down the bile .

William was dead .

Tyr had killed him .

I felt like I couldn't breath as my eyes stayed locked on Williams head , my whole body was shaking and it was taking everything in me not to throw up from the sight.

It was barbaric.

Tyr let the head drop to the floor and it landed with a sickening clang that made me physically heave . My thoughts were jumbled and my heart was beating so erratically that I was almost positive that I was a few beats away from going into an actual cardiac arrest .

"What's the matter? Are you no longer attracted to his face? You didn't seem to mind when you kissed him" Tyr snarled , his face twisting into something harsh and scary .

Tyr always had a scary appeal to him , his aura was unsettling and he looked fearsome but this was something else . For the first time I was actually scared that he would hurt me .

His usual half grey and yellow eyes were almost pitch black.

"No no no no " I choked out , shaking my head violently as I stumbled back, trying to create as much space as possible .

He had killed William .

William had died because of me .

Tyr was suddenly in front of me , his usual scent making me feel sick instead of comforted . It felt oppressive as it clouded my senses .

"Yes. Yes , he's dead because he didn't understand that he is a boy so I had to show him what happens when he tries to play with things that don't belong to him" Tyr snarled.

"Y-you let me go! We spoke, yo-"

"That didn't mean that you could throw yourself at the next person who even fucking glanced at you . I was giving you space , time for yourself . Did I tell you that you could be with anyone else ?" Tyr shouted , making me flinch as my ears rang and my vision blurred "Did I ?!"

Captured.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora