Chapter Seven.

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'Along with the idea of romantic love, she was introduced to another--physical beauty

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

'Along with the idea of romantic love, she was introduced to another--physical beauty. Probably the most destructive ideas in the history of human thought. Both originated in envy, thrived in insecurity, and ended in disillusion'
- Toni Morrison

"You need to use Tyr's protectiveness, that's the easiest way to get closer to him" Blue told me, her eyes imploring into my own .

"I don't think Tyr has any sort of protectiveness towards me . You guys haven't seen what he's like when he's around me , it wouldn't work for me" I admitted , my face flushing in embarrassment.

Even though I knew the women wouldn't judge me , I couldn't help but feel ashamed of my ' relationship' issues . Mates were something that were sacred and the fact that my mate didn't want me was a mark on my character . I felt like I had a huge red sign above me that was announcing how useless and unwanted I was.

I knew I shouldn't have my self worth tied to a man , one that I hardly knew at that , but it was hard not to equate my worth to someone who was meant to be my soulmate . When I was younger I had wished for a mate as I saw the way my mother doted on my mom or how in love Kavos was with Blue. However, as I got older I dismissed the thought of having mate as it was rare for humans to get mated with supernatural creatures.

So the fact that I did actually have a mate should be the happiest time of my life but instead I had been miserable ever since. Not to mention a big part of me completely understood why Tyr acted the way he did. He was breathtakingly handsome and a God, what could I offer him?

I was an average looking girl with self esteem issues.

Why would anyone want me?

"I know your ..... situation is difficult and we're not pretending that we know what Tyr is thinking by any means but we can help to guide you with what we have gone though" Jasmine said softly , squeezing my hand from across the table .

"And if he does something to hurt you , I'll kick his ass " Zia grinned giving me a wink .

"You'd do no such thing!" Blue snapped giving her daughter a warning look before turning towards me " If Tyr didn't care for you at all then he wouldn't have assigned you Franco . I'm not saying he's madly in love with you and is hiding it because that probably isn't the case but there is definitely a degree of protectiveness . Use it to your advantage " .

"I don't know , won't that be manipulating him ?" I asked wryly , chewing on my lip.

"There's nothing wrong with manipulating men" Zia responded slyly .

"Zia!" Exclaimed Blue , the same time Jasmine said " I do hope you're not manipulating my son" .

"Of course not , I would never manipulate Enzo into getting what I want" Zia said, wide eyed and innocent .

Captured.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें