* Broken in to pieces (must read)

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Precap: Sreeja and Venkat tried to consummate based on the ovulation days which was very rare for Sreeja to get. One night, when it was the perfect day for them to consummate, it was interrupted due to marriage problems of Subhi. Few days, later, Sreeja got to know that Venkat's cousin who got married recently is Pregnant the immediate next month. 

She was in full of confusion on how others get pregnant frequently.  Venkat still works in Bangalore.

Its been a month. Venkat made a visit to Chennai once in the past month. When he came, using the ovulation strip, Sreeja and Venkat tested to see if she is ovulating, but she was not.  After consulting the Doctor who is their relative in the clinic, Sreeja was advised to visit another specialist in a big multispecialty hospital in Chennai.

Sreeja, her mother and Latha(Venkat's mother) went to the hospital. Venkat was still in Bangalore. Sreeja's heart started to beat at very faster rate as if it would come out her body any time soon. 

For some reason , she felt very nervous. There is not even a single minute she stopped praying. Sreeja was taken many bloods tests, scans, x-rays and everything. She was even taken karyotyping test to check for any genetic problems.

When they were taking the Scan, the doctor inserted a tool which resembled penis. It glided so smoothly in her making her wonder how that was even possible. 

Finally after 3 hours of taking all the test, the results came. Sreeja alone was called in to discuss leaving her mother and mother in law to stand outside. Meeting the Doctor alone without Venkat she felt a pang in her heart. She wanted Venkat to be with her all the times. But today she has to face it alone.

"So Sreeja, we have taken all the tests thoroughly and the results too came. Do you have any sisters born along with you" the lady Doctor started.

"no, I only have brother". Sreeja started getting panic attack for some strange reason when the Doctor started talking something else. 

"Can you just tell me clearly what is the result? I don't understand what you are trying to ask?" asked Sreeja with shivering voice. 

There were 3 more other lady doctors, who examined her were present. Seeing all of them, and now the suspense this Doctor was building was too much for her to handle.  Her heart was beating very loudly that it can be heard outside as well.

"The thing is..." The Doctor took a pause. Heaving a sigh, she continued, " we have taken all the results and did proper analysis. We are sorry to say this, you can't get pregnant. You don't have follicles/eggs in your ovaries. Your ovaries are very small."

"But I am getting my periods, though irregular, after taking medicines, its working"

The Doctor continued with explaining her about periods and pregnancy.  "you would be reaching your menopausal stage soon. Eggs are not generated in your ovaries. Its called Primary Ovarian Inefficiency (POI)  or POF (Primary Ovarian Failure)- a rare case on young females like you who are 26.  Max next year definitely your periods will stop. Even if you are getting periods, its  just blood waste going out of your body. You are not ovulating at all"

Sreeja started to cry uncontrollably. " I am ready to take any medicines or treatments, is there any possibility for that?" she seemed so desperate.

" See Sreeja , IVF or surrogacy  too will not work for you. If at all you want IVF, it has to be done with taking eggs from someone else and merge it with the sperm of your husband. That's why I asked if you have any sisters. And your uterus too is not healthy for pregnancy"

"is... there... any ... any... other way?"  came Sreeja's question with stuttering and hiccups.

"if you don't want all this you have to adopt. Not only that , you have high chance of developing autoimmune disease, osteoporosis and stomach cancer. You already have high thyroid, very  high hormonal imbalance, your FSH, LSH levels are very high. Mainly your AMH levels are very poor that they can't even be captured in the lab tests. So no other option. You can't get pregnant at all"

Sreeja came out crying and did not inform anything to her mother or mother in-law. She left to her  office crying. The two ladies stood there not knowing what to do. They were not told any information about Sreeja considering the Doctor patient privacy. 

Sreeja cried a lot uncontrollably not knowing what will be Venkat's reaction after hearing this.  Will she be sent out of the house?What will her inlaws think?


I am just going to stop my writing about this chapter here. I literally Hate, Avoid, feel irritated in writing this chapter as it made me cry. This is the main reason why I was dragging the story for long till now. 

I hate Sreeja for spoiling Venkat's life.  Had she not come in to his life, he would have married another girl and would have lead a peaceful happy life with kids. You might ask what if the other girl too is like Sreeja. 

My answer is , not all the girls will have problem like Sreeja. Not all the girls are bad like her, who keeps on fighting , complaining ,feeling jealous , always crying.  Common who likes such kind of person who always thinks negatively. She is simply not fit for Venkat. She doomed his life.

And by now , you all would have found out the theme of this story. If not , let me reveal it now. This is the story of childless couple. 

We might have heard  or seen couples who say, "we did not have child for few years and then got pregnant" and so on... But do we know the issues they face?Do we know how many struggles , hurdles, insults and depression they go through?

This was the reason I was telling , this story is not a usual romantic story like what we have read in wattpad. I hope you all will travel with Sreeja and Venkat in upcoming chapters.

Do let me know your comments about this chapter. What will be Venkat's reaction? Any guesses?

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