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Sreeja and Venkat had been trying to conceive for the past 1 and half years and yet they have not. Till now they have met around 10 doctors at least for consultation. Every time, they were given advises , do's and don'ts , lot of tablets and medicines.

Sreeja is a person who never goes to Hospital even if she is having high fever. But off late she felt like visiting hospitals and taking medicines. How much ever she disliked it , she agreed to do it because she wanted to get pregnant. 

For straight 2 months, Venkat did not come to chennai due to his office workload. Finally, he is free and both were awaiting for the day when they would meet. The sexual tension in them was too much whenever they talk in phone.  Considering office premises, they don't show it explicitly while talking but was counting days to meet each other soon. 

The day when he would meet Sreeja on the coming weekend is her perfect ovulation day as per the advise.  Venkat's stay in bangalore was getting extended. Now that Venkat and Sreeja are planning for pregnancy vigorously , he did not want her to come to bangalore and stay alone and create complications.

If she is in chennai, she has many to take care of her. But in Bangalore it will be difficult. Hence both decided to stay the way they are. 

The following weekend,when Venkat came, Sreeja was already in their room sleeping. They had early morning intercourse as per the doctor advise. Though her ovulation day was next day, they could not hold themselves together after a long meet. 

The weekend then spent for Venkat discussing about the alliance for Subhi. Subhi was having a minor dispute with her parents on their choice of groom. Vasu, Latha, Subhi and Venkat are the ones involved in talking all this. Sreeja was never informed about what is happening. 

She happened to know to an extent only certain details. Sreeja felt irritated at their behaviour for hiding it , still she chose to ignore as it is none of her business and she herself has more things to worry about. 

At night , when Venkat came late to their room, Sreeja and Venkat who missed each other, had a long foreplay session. The foreplay lead them to start with penetrative sex, and Venkat was ready for it. Only today after so many months of them having intercourse, Sreeja was  properly ready to have smooth intercourse. Just when Venkat was about to go inside her,  they heard a knock on the door.

No one even Subhi would knock their door after marriage at untime like this. But now if someone is knocking the door means, something was important and hence Venkat withdrew himself.

After dressing himself neatly he opened the door to see Subhi in crying state. Venkat closed the door and went to hall. 

Sreeja was literally irritated with Subhi's behaviour. Today is the only day Venkat would be available in Chennai, her perfect ovulation day. If they don't do it today, they have to wait for the next month.

Sreeja waited patiently for around half an hour but Venkat did not turn up. Even though she can use the bathroom via the back door in her room, she chose to go via the hall to see what is taking time for Venkat. 

She went to the hall and opened the bathroom door  to notice Venkat sitting on the chair, while Subhi lying down crying with her head on his lap. Venkat who seemed to be  pacifying her stopped seeing Sreeja.

Sreeja came out from the bathroom quickly and locked herself in to her own room, not wanting to disturb the siblings. Seeing Subhi's State, Sreeja too felt pity. Sreeja has gone through even more worse case than her. But for Someone like Subhi, who is pampered a lot with too much of affection and care, Sreeja could understand how difficult it is to face these situations until we are fixed for marriage with someone.

Later around 2pm, when Venkat came, Sreeja was almost asleep. Still she opened her eyes sensing the distraction she heard from opening the door. Venkat was too tired to proceed with what he stopped and apologized to her. Sreeja could understand his state and convinced him that they can have IC in the next month.

Days passed. Anand's wife Baby shower came to which Sreeja denied attending. Her in laws too did not force her , understanding she might feel sad about herself not getting pregnant yet. After a month, Anand's wife got delivered to baby boy  and they had naming ceremony in Chennai. 

Though Sreeja denied attending that , her family members forced her to attend. Subhi always tagged along with Sreeja knowing very well that Sreeja might get upset or any of her relatives might ask any questions.

Not only that , now Subhi is under everyone's radar who bombards her with questions related to marriage. Hence Sreeja and Subhi decided to tag along and kept themselves away from others.

How much ever Sreeja concealed her emotions she cannot control herself. She went inside the bathroom and cried, why she is not pregnant yet.  When the twilight came, Venkat and Sreeja were discussing about things in general.

"Venkat,  I heard that Priya(Anand's wife) does not have regular periods. Infact, she used to have 2 months once it seems. How come she got pregnant the immediate next month of her marriage?"

"how would I know di?"

"I have so many doubts.  Even some of the girls in my relatives or the persons whom I know from outside, everyone, after marriage max of three months , we get a news stating they are pregnant."

"I don't know di, but we will also have baby like others, so don't stress yourself too much" replied Venkat while yawning. He slept unable to control his sleep.

Whereas Sreeja was not convinced. She had so many questions going on in her mind.

"How come they are able to get pregnant so soon?"

" How many times will they have sex? "

"In movies they show like, after having sex once they get pregnant next month, will that happen in real?"

"will they wait for the ovulation day and do it?"

" will the newly married face problems like me  in penetrative sex?"

"how come a girl with irregular periods got pregnant?"

"will the newly married girls take any medications or doctor consultations and advices on this prior to getting pregnant?" 

"oh my god, may be is it like whatever we are doing is wrong? are we not doing it correctly? is that reason why we did not get pregnant yet?" With the last thought Sreeja panicked and woke up Venkat ,asking him the same.

"ei.. padu di, ellam correct ah dhan panrom. romba pottu kolapikadha"

(Have some sleep. We are doing everything correctly. Don't think too much)

Sreeja slept with confusion written all over her face. 


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