* Corner seat Date

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Sreeja got accustomed to the new surroundings. Venkat's house was filled with lot of things and luggages from Sreeja, gifts and other stuffs.

Everyone were involved in clearing out things and packing other items and unpacking gifts. It took two days for them to bring the house to normalcy with only the necessary things. 

Sreeja's parents came to Venkat's home and invited them to have lunch the next day in their house (maruveedu alaithal). Sreeja was overwhelmed that she would go meet her parents.  

Next day, happily getting ready in a chudidhar, she came out of her room and bid farewell to everyone.  Sreeja initially thought that , it was she and Venkat alone who will ride in bike to their house.

When asked about Venkat's bike which was missing,  he informed her that he has given the bike for service. 

Since her house was just 4 stops from Venkat's house, they decided to go in local train. Though she was slightly disappointed for not going in bike, she let it go thinking still they would go together in train at least. But what amused her was, Subhi too got ready to come along with them. 

 Now with Subhi coming, the plans got changed. Subhi and Sreeja boarded the ladies compartment in the train and Venkat in the Gent's compartment.Though her parents invited everyone in the house, Venkat's parents denied visiting, stating they would come later on. 

Even when they were walking towards the station, Venkat and Subhi are the one who were most engrossed in talks. Sreeja was an introvert and does not know to mingle with their conversation and remained silent. 

While having Lunch at Sreeja's house, Subhi sat along with Venkat. Seeing it Sreeja's mom face fell and was about to make Subhi get up. But Sreeja who knew her mother well, handled the situation by making her  husband sit between her and Subhi. 

Sreeja did not wanted to spend the night in her house as she very well knew that her house is small and Venkat would not feel comfortable there. 

Later in the evening , they all bid bye and drove towards her inlaw's house carrying Sreeja's laptop and other important things. 

Next day being saturday, Sreeja woke up early to make coffee for her father in law and grandmother.

After spending time chit chatting about general things, she then took bath and got ready to help her in law in chopping vegetables and other stuff. 

Latha(Venkat's mom) who got up late , then freshened her up to join her. "See Sreeja, if its a working day or any important function or we have our relatives that time you can wake up early and do the work, but not on weekends"

"Weekends are meant for extra sleep , so don't get up early. If at all you feel like getting up early, stay awake in your room and only come out after 7 am, ok. Because of you, your father in law shouted at me and made me get up this early and do the kitchen work" told her MIL.

Sreeja just smiled at her nodding her head. Because she has been brought up in a strict family where you need to get up early and sleep early , follow everything in a systematic manner.But Venkat's house was completely different. She felt like she would get lazy and slow after coming here. 

Evening the trio, Venkat, Sreeja and Subhi went to a nearby mall. After reaching there she was surprised to see her brother waiting for her.

She felt happy at Venkat for making her meet her brother. After doing some shopping, Sreeja took her wallet out to pay the bill who was interrupted. " you don't  pay. this is the first time I am buying you dress so let me pay"  said Venkat and paid the money.

Spending some more time in the mall with fun activities and others, they finished the dinner as well in a nearby restaurant.

This time Sreeja swiped her card before Venkat and settled the amount.  Venkat felt happy inwardly about Sreeja's behaviour. He did not expect her to pay and was happy that she was willing to share the expenses. 

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